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Lone working parent help with costs and childcare

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If only life was that simple, you are judging on a situation that you know nothing about. You cannot stay with someone for the sake of your child, just because society has the set idea that a child should be brought up with 'mum and dad'.


I think the 'idea' that mum and dad should bring up their kids was devised by mother nature rather than society. What is a relatively new idea is mum and dad expecting society to cough up so they can run separate households.


---------- Post added 11-10-2013 at 14:55 ----------


trolling alert, trolling alert!


No, that would be an opinion alert.

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Time will tell if he pays up or not , I also have the attitude Zamo , that benefits make it too easy to do nothing. I bet more 52 inch tv's belong to people that don't work than people that do. I consider our family lucky to have not been unemployed , my daughter doesnt want anything other than a little help to keep working , and a roof over their heads.Mind you her face was a picture when I said it meant sky tv had to go and her phone contract.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No furthur along , my daughter tried to get into two advice centres open surgerys but they were full. She needed to know a few ideas as to how many hours to work . also childcare . She went to the job centre and they said if she cuts her hours down to 16 from 24 to claim benefit she will be commiting fraud. Idiots she doesnt want to stop work just make sure she can keep a roof over her head.


---------- Post added 27-10-2013 at 20:58 ----------


She is now waiting for a form to make a claim for Tax credit :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

She filled in the claim form (well book) , within 2 weeks she had money paid into her account . Working tax credit and child tax credit. The Dad is helping with childcare and has her on his day off so my daughter can work . He also buys the nappies and food for her . So far so good.

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I'm pleased your daughter has had good news. Tax credits are a big help with childcare costs.


---------- Post added 19-12-2013 at 22:36 ----------


Good for her continuing to work too. I believe its much better for a single parent to do some work (if they can) rather than simply rely on benefits.

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Sorry but if they have a 17 month old baby they shouldn't be separating. The child's needs should come first and, unless it's an abusive relationship, the parents should stay together.


That would be in an ideal world, but we don't live in an ideal world. Had I known that I would become a loan parent when my baby was 6 months old then I wouldn't have chosen to have her. That said. I did and am a lone parent. She is my world and the very making of me.


---------- Post added 19-12-2013 at 22:44 ----------


And even though things seem fairly amicable I would still advise your daughter rings the CSA. They will ensure that the father pays his dues.

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Why have a kid for a stranger to bring up and look after it for you?!?! ...She should be at home looking after her own kid , Not pass it of on others!

P.S ... If you feel so strong …. let her go to work and YOU bring the kid up!


Everyone has an opinion on parenting, IMO there are non working parents who give their children very little quality time. Also some people have children with no thought of who will support them. Surely it's preferable to show children the benefits of going to work at least some of the time?


Grandparents provide lots of unpaid care but many of them are still of working age. Good childcare aligned with decent parenting works just fine.

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  • 1 month later...

I am proud my daughter chooses to work. I worked and was lucky enough to have my parents to look after mine . They all benefited from that bond .. My grandaughter only has to go to childcare once a week and she loves it , for people who have tuned in about benefits single parents can claim up to 70% of costs . I am a working grandparent , love my job so childcare it is.

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