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Royal Family - Value for money?

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A YouTube video ? A seal of accurate investigative journalism if ever there was one!


A post on Sheffield Forum? A seal of intelligent, thoughtful comment from literate posters if ever there was one!


You're implicitly objecting to a straw man of your own creation.


No-one is claiming it is an accurate investigative piece of journalism. At 4 minutes of footage it's hardly likely to be that anyway.


"Well worth a watch" was the opinion given with the link

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A YouTube video ? A seal of accurate investigative journalism if ever there was one!


I`m guessing you did not watch it.


CPGgray is one of the most respected uploaders on youtube who does over 100 hours of work for each 4 minute video.


He makes about 300k a year of his little vids so he gets my respect.

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Oh of course I didn't watch it - it's a YouTube video. If it's someone falling over or a cat doing something funny I'm at the front of the queue but if your argument is based mainly round a YouTube video you're pretty much screwed, filed under chemtrails and lizard overlords.

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Oh of course I didn't watch it - it's a YouTube video. If it's someone falling over or a cat doing something funny I'm at the front of the queue but if your argument is based mainly round a YouTube video you're pretty much screwed, filed under chemtrails and lizard overlords.


Are you really that narrow minded?


Youtube has tons of channels that are more truthful than anything you could link. You obviously watch the wrong video`s. There is more than a few cute kittens on there....


If you watch it and point out the hundreds of lies then fair enough. Other than that I can file your comments under "does not know what he is talking about".


Vsauce on youtube is better than anything british tv can produce nowadays. He will make about £2 million this year off youtube alone. The research he does is 2cd to none for his video`s.

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Are you really that narrow minded?


Youtube has tons of channels that are more truthful than anything you could link. You obviously watch the wrong video`s. There is more than a few cute kittens on there....


If you watch it and point out the hundreds of lies then fair enough. Other than that I can file your comments under "does not know what he is talking about".


Vsauce on youtube is better than anything british tv can produce nowadays. He will make about £2 million this year off youtube alone. The research he does is 2cd to none for his video`s.


Maybe I'll have a look then. But it really would be first to find a YouTube link on here that isn't an old music video, advert or bag of rhubarb. Look through the other YouTube links that have been posted today and you may understand my scepticism.

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