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Royal Family - Value for money?

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Overall i think the benefits out weigh the costs.


By an absolutely enormous amount:-




“The Monarchy is one of the most valuable of all British brands. Whatever one thinks about the constitutional principle, there seems little doubt that the institution of monarchy adds significant annual earnings and long-term economic value to the UK.”

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And Rotherham.

Also Higgs predicted the Higgs Bosen he didn't discover it.


Have to admit there are quite a few pedantic so & so's here which tourists may find somewhat off putting. :D You are correct, but annoying. :)


A mates daughter has just moved to Moorgate in Rotherham, & whilst it is many years since I was there I recall it was quite pleasant. :)

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....so when president cameron takes over and we abolish the monarch what makes you think the Royal Palaces wouldn't be turned into a Giant Tesco or a Casino or a Hotel. After all what other need would we have for them? Imagine all that millions of pounds of real estate just sitting there waiting to be sold to the highest bidder.


Do you think the same tourists would be flooding in to take pictures of 10 Downing Street. Do you think the worlds media would flock in their thousands on London to see the latest PM get married or have a child.


...Pull your head out of your backside.


The Royals ARE this country. Go and ask a American, Japanese, Australian tourist what they think of when they consider England. How many would have the Monarch in thier top 3.


Prey tell oh wise one... What exactly would attract them if they didn't exist?

Our cream teas? Downing Street? Our weather?


Even the Duke of Edinburgh,a Greek national holding a foreign title?I think you will find Shakespeare,pop culture and London buses outrank the monarchy.

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If polls are anything to go on most of the British people want the Monarchy to remain.

Why? because the vast majority accept that the Royal heritage are a treasured part of our national identity.

I read somewhere where the Royal birth was one of the major news stories all over the world!


Unless we become overrun by hostile foreigners who oppose everything that is part of our traditional heritage.

I predict that in years to come there will be a King George on the throne.

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For instance, during the royal jubilee I happened to be in Vienna. At lunch time my friends & I were in a cafe/bar which had flat screen TV on several walls tuned to Sky news.

The bar was packed, but virtually no one was paying any attention to the TV showing the boats going up the Thames.

The only time a few people paid attention was when someone who was looking laughed & a few of us turned to see what was amusing. It was the sight of a group of singers drenched to the skin which produced the laugh. Almost everyone then returned to their conversations & continued to ignore the TV.

Your "friends" sound like snobs, the kind of people who tell everyone they don't like the Royal family because they think it makes them a cut above the hoi polloi.


So, so much for foreigners being enthralled by our royalty. The ones who are tend to be interested in a Big Brother, Jeremy Kyle type of way. After all in this day & age of talentless celebrity it fits the bill.

I don't think you could be any more wrong.


Incidentally Germany attracts more tourists than the UK, not exactly a sun & beach destination I wouldn't have thought.

Marginally more in 2012, marginally less in 2011, and for a country considerably bigger than the UK and within driving distance of practially all of Europe, that's not that impressive.

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By an absolutely enormous amount:-




“The Monarchy is one of the most valuable of all British brands. Whatever one thinks about the constitutional principle, there seems little doubt that the institution of monarchy adds significant annual earnings and long-term economic value to the UK.”


Personally it is not the money which I object to it's simply a matter of principle. The continued existence of an anachronistic institution which further emphasises the class division in this country is wrong in my view.


The idea that it is more important to be born into the right family & class than to achieve success by your own efforts is detrimental to attitudes in this country. It is also of course undemocratic in the extreme. The fact that the elected Prime Minister has a Tuesday morning meeting with the monarch in order to brief her & receive her views on events is ludicrous.


As to the claim that 'there seems little doubt' as to the financial benefits of royalty how exactly is that theory to be tested?

You would need to abolish the institution, open the royal palaces to the general public & tourists, add in the savings from the current expenditure on royalty & it's hangers on & then evaluate the result. Never going to happen.


At one time the Queen was estimated to be the richest woman in the world with wealth in excess of £5 billion. It was then decided to alter this as certain taxes were to be paid in a PR exercise.


It was therefore decided that she was in fact only holding most of these assets in trust for the Nation & they actually really belong to us.

Next time you're in the vicinity of one of 'your' palaces nip in & have a look around, won't cost you anything, it's yours. Let me know how you get on, :)


Her new wealth was calculated at £320 million a reduction of quite some significance.

These people play with figures to suit their purpose, so excuse me if I have some slight doubt as to the accuracy of the supposed benefits brought to the Nation by their continued existence.

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Why does the Monarchy "emphasise the class divide"? We had a monarchy when the division of wealth was it it's most equal in the 70s. The US doesn't have a monarchy and they have extremes of wealth and poverty. The Scandinavian and Benelux countries that are generally beloved by lefties for being socially democratic utopias are ALL monarchies.

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Your "friends" sound like snobs, the kind of people who tell everyone they don't like the Royal family because they think it makes them a cut above the hoi polloi.



How the hell did you come to that conclusion from my post? Only six people in the cafe were my friends. there were probably in excess of a hundred people wining & dining there. They were Austrians in the main with a few tourists, virtually none of them were paying any attention to the TV, why should they?


The person who laughed was on an adjoining table & unknown to me. The Austrian friend of mine merely expressed sympathy that an elderly couple were being exposed to the elements. One of our party is an out & out royalist & knows my views, we agree to differ.


In my personal experience, & I have been fortunate enough to travel widely, very few people have ever shown any interest in the royal family. Those few who have seemed to be mainly interested in the 'gossip' angle.

And why not? It's virtually 'big brother' with jewels & castles. In the fullness of time William will take a mistress- if he hasn't already got one, after all his father had at this stage of proceedings- then the worlds press will have a field day.


If that's the kind of publicity you wish for then fair enough.


Incidentally the Austrians had a monarchy of their own up until the Second War. The Hapsburg's were in fact far grander than the Sax-Coburg-Gotha's in their day.


Abolished by that little Austrian chap with the tache they tried to make a comeback after the War.

They were told politely to go away, the Austrians decided to get up off their knees & be a grown up country.

Doubt we ever will.

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