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Royal Family - Value for money?

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(Yawn) There are 18 other threads on this topic http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/search.php?searchid=25315206


And it's been done to death, surely.

Why aren't mine on that list? I started three on the subject last year.:mad:

Still never mind the "US weekly" has reported, there is a very important Christening event at the end of October, so you can look forward to another Royal thread later.:hihi:



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So what? This present thread adds nothing much to previous discussions, does it?


Sorry. I thought the PAC meeting on the 14th October made it relevant. I will check with you before posting a topic about Royalty, Muslims, God, bad drivers, police helicopters or missing dogs. Did I miss anything?

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Why does the Monarchy "emphasise the class divide"? We had a monarchy when the division of wealth was it it's most equal in the 70s. The US doesn't have a monarchy and they have extremes of wealth and poverty. The Scandinavian and Benelux countries that are generally beloved by lefties for being socially democratic utopias are ALL monarchies.


You appear to be confusing wealth & class, whilst they do have a tendency to go together it is not always the case.


I mean the type of nonsense which was reported in the Times a while back. When William first started going out with Kate his 'friends' thought it highly amusing to make fun of her mother, because she had been an airline stewardess.

There were lots of 'doors to manual' jokes apparently. Obviously they found it hilarious that someone had actually worked for a living as opposed to inheriting half of Shropshire & a family Trust fund.


Actually Kate does appear to come across as a decent lass & William should think himself a lucky man, batting way above his league there. 'Tell me Kate what did you see in the ordinary looking prematurely bald Crowned Prince'? :)


Personally, with the exception of Andrew who's a seriously abhorrent individual I wouldn't wish harm to any of them. I just think the whole thing is past it's sell by date, other people are fully entitled to disagree, I shall not be losing sleep over the issue. :)

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Your "friends" sound like snobs, the kind of people who tell everyone they don't like the Royal family because they think it makes them a cut above the hoi polloi.



I don't think you could be any more wrong.



Marginally more in 2012, marginally less in 2011, and for a country considerably bigger than the UK and within driving distance of practially all of Europe, that's not that impressive.


It is when you consider that few people speak German,and it does not have a natural hinterland equivalent to the Commonwealth and the USA.

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