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Stopped escalators... very confusing!


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I just saw this topic on another web site, but have you noticed that when you walk on to a stopped escalator your brain gets confused and you stumble slightly? Not matter how much you convince yourself it's just like a normal flight of stairs, your feet still expect the stairs to be moving when they're not.


Know what I mean? :loopy::lol:

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I'm a bit "thingy" about escalators anyway, ever since I stumbled on one a few months back and nearly came away with an injury.


I'm slowly getting over it though, the offending escalator was the one in the Oasis at Meadowhell, outside the Warner Bros pictures, I put my hand on the rail to hold it, and because the thing was going quite fast, I stumbled and nearly fell.

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The stripes on the interlocking units certainly don't help when the thing is motionless


What can be worse are large escalators on the underground where the handrail travels at a slightly different rate to the escalator stairs - with the effect that your hand moves back and beyond your body and you have to keep shifting the hand... hold the moving handrail indeed !!!

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I know exactly what you mean Geoff.


As you place your first foot down it is a funny feeling, as though it's hit the step sooner than you thought and you kind of feel wobbley :rolleyes::P


I'm not a big fan of them either ever since I was little and decided to be too fascinated by something on the floor below to notice the ceiling fast approaching my head that was poking over the edge :o Ouch. I was knocked right out! :(

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I don't like using stopped escalators as easily as stairs because theres always the fear that they will suddenly jolt and start up again while you're walking up/down them. I don't particularly like escalators anyway, especially the stepping on part. I don't like lifts as I'm always scared of them breaking down and being stuck in a lift, especially if I was on my own, is a big fear of mine. I don't like stairs either because I'm lazy. In summary, I hate buildings with lots of floors...

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Ive been on one when it has stopped and one when its suddenly started again and it doesnt jolt or anything. It was quite a relief that i didnt have to use up energy walking up the damn thing. I think theyre only supposed to restart them when no1 is on them though arent they? I work in view of a rather large escalator and what i dont like is when people take their pushchair with baby up on them and leave the thing dangling off the edge. I always have visions of a flying pushchair and a very scared baby.

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