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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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That will all depend on how he performs on Question Time. Or failing to receive an invitation on there, Celebrity Big Brother next year.


Just speculating!


Question time is the political equivalent to Blankety Blank, staged by goons and grease monkeys, scoring points on who gets the biggest whoo hoo!.


As for BB only if he's teamed up with a radical. (I want my licence fee's worth)

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Question time is the political equivalent to Blankety Blank, staged by goons and grease monkeys, scoring points on who gets the biggest whoo hoo!.


As for BB only if he's teamed up with a radical. (I want my licence fee's worth)


Grease Monkey is a slang term for a car mechanic - what does that have to do with Question Time??.. :loopy:

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Tommy has done an interview with the Guardian in which he apologises for his previous comments, blames them partly on alcohol and agrees to shop his more right-wing ex-colleagues to the coppers. He's going to be popular. In return I suspect he'll get the kid glove treatment when being sentenced at his upcoming trials.



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My bold=

What a load of claptrap, the holocaust did happen and Muslims know it happened.

AND funnily enough fought for ours and others countries against the nazis which tommys pals "ex" pals seem to flirt with on a daily basis Oo

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They may know it happened ,they would be very stupid if they didnt,but accepting it is a different kettle of fish


yes we know

and your going to link to the usual extremist nutcases in an effort to denounce ALL muslims as holocaust deniers as usual

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AND funnily enough fought for ours and others countries against the nazis which tommys pals "ex" pals seem to flirt with on a daily basis Oo


They fought with us, not for us. Unless you think it would have been a good idea for them to not join with us as allies, and we not defend them, just let the krauts and japs invade them and leave them to it.

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