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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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He spends all the donations in the Casino so can't afford one, its true someone said it on here..:hihi:

T'was I that made that claim, and it is true. That's what gives it its power. Tommy asked for donations and then went in a casino. It's true. :)


Following those donations, and that spending, he left the EDL.


Whether or not he can afford a new suit is your speculation though. Maybe he can put out an appeal and another bunch of people can buy him one. ;)

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T'was I that made that claim, and it is true. That's what gives it its power. Tommy asked for donations and then went in a casino. It's true. :)


Following those donations, and that spending, he left the EDL.


Whether or not he can afford a new suit is your speculation though. Maybe he can put out an appeal and another bunch of people can buy him one. ;)


Blimey, you'll believe owt...:hihi:

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Blimey, you'll believe owt...:hihi:

Robinson admitted it. He even won money, you could use that defense, but you're not bothered. You're just wilfully ignorant, and thus I won't convince you of anything.


Yet, for anyone rational reading this - Tommy Robinson is an obvious opportunist. If you think that he represents any sensible or rational world view, I point out that the man is a shallow idiot, a thug, a wife beater, and a criminal. He's been a member of two organisations that turned out to be full of racists - and both times Robinson has decried his lack of understanding. He didn't know the BNP was racist (an easy mistake) and it took him 4 years to understand that thugging around with idiots isn't an answer to any religious problems that exist (who knew?).


I think Robinson's future lies on a knife edge, and without the mob shouting behind him how much noise can he make on his own? We shall see where the future lies. :)

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If you are meaning his appearance on Sunday with Esther Rantzen then I disagree, I thought he came across very well


I didn't see that appearance, but I heard him being interviewed on Radio 5 live last week where he sounded quite sincere and came across well I thought.


I could never condone what he has done in the past, but that shouldn't have to mean he is beyond reform.

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I didn't see that appearance, but I heard him being interviewed on Radio 5 live last week where he sounded quite sincere and came across well I thought.


I could never condone what he has done in the past, but that shouldn't have to mean he is beyond reform.


What has he done in the past Janie.. other than expose the evils of Islamists?

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willfully ignorant again?


for the willfully deaf, fraud, illegal immigration, wife beating and general thuggery



Aren't you a little sensitive for an Anachist, Mel?... :hihi:


None of those matter anyway, in the grand scheme of things..


PS I don't believe he's a wife beater..

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willfully ignorant again?


for the willfully deaf, fraud, illegal immigration, wife beating and general thuggery


Aren't you a little sensitive for an Anachist, Mel?... :hihi:


None of those matter anyway, in the grand scheme of things..


PS I don't believe he's a wife beater..


You wouldn't get that impression of your views from your posts on the "Minister tells immigrant to go home" thread.

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You wouldn't get that impression of your views from your posts on the "Minister tells immigrant to go home" thread.


He wasn't an illegal immigrant here... anyway Mel's wrong, as usual, he wasn't trying to emigrate to the USA he used someone elses passport to gain entry...

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