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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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He never claims to be some sort of intellectual genius. This is why he is so successful. His honesty defeats all his detractors. They name call, ridicule and throw bricks.. But the guy is trying to tackle a very difficult issue.


He's more of a man than most will ever be. Mentioning no names.


At least give the man credit for his dedication and personal sacrifice.


He's never said there were no racists in the EDL. That's quite obvious, but he's always said he was trying to get rid of them. He even head butted one at one rally...Then what happened he constantly has this thrown in his face by the very people who call him a racist.


He failed to expel all the fascists so he expelled himself. He can't be criticised for this.


Not one of you has given him any credit for working with Muslims to solve the problem, Quilliam themselves are now coming under pressure for accepting him.


Jaw jaw not war war...

I give him credit for doing that, but because of his criminal past (which you pretended you were unaware of) I can't help having some reservations?

I am hoping he really has changed though, he has the "gift of the gab" and I would like to see him make better use of the talent.


Thanks for the link Rampant I will watch that later.

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Crikey!! I became a member of 'Militant Tendency' back in the day!! We infiltrated the Labour Party and nearly wrecked it!! I've moved on .. . . . . . we all live and learn :D Just like cuddly Tommy :love:



I was a communist in my yoof... even had a USSR footy shirt... I also admired Dereck Hatton during that period and the Labour Party conference when Hatton and Kinnock fell out was monumental..


I remember Kinnock's speech it was brilliant.. he had a go at Hatton for "sending redundancy notices by taxi" obscenity I think he called it...

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I give him credit for doing that, but because of his criminal past (which you pretended you were unaware of) I can't help having some reservations?

I am hoping he really has changed though, he has the "gift of the gab" and I would like to see him make better use of the talent.


Thanks for the link Rampant I will watch that later.


Ty janie. Tommy really has the hate now. From the left and now real 'ardcore Nazis.


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 22:30 ----------


I was a communist in my yoof... even had a USSR footy shirt... I also admired Dereck Hatton during that period and the Labour Party conference when he Hatton and Kinnock fell out was monumental..


I remember Kinnock's speech it was brilliant.. he had a go at Hatton for "sending redundancy notices by taxi" obscenity I think he called it...


Yep, remember it well.


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 22:32 ----------


Blair finished what you started. ;)


Could be true. Cameron is just as bad, and very worse. Very worse.

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I don't understand that. Please repost.




Robinson was well placed within the EDL to eradicate racism and violence within his own organisation..apparently he failed miserably by headbutting his own members and attacking the police. What makes you think he'll do any better with another bunch of violent racists? And if he fails? what then, back to basics?


He's a thug with a big mouth and the media have given him another platform. The issue needs a politician with guts, diplomacy and ethics... a tough call but TR has neither...he's a clever opportunist that most likely has the "paid for speech" circuit in mind. $$$$$$


He may also go on to advising and counselling thugs on how not to abuse your wife. That's a winner.

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Robinson was well placed within the EDL to eradicate racism and violence within his own organisation..apparently he failed miserably by headbutting his own members and attacking the police. What makes you think he'll do any better with another bunch of violent racists? And if he fails? what then, back to basics?


He's a thug with a big mouth and the media have given him another platform. The issue needs a politician with guts, diplomacy and ethics... a tough call but TR has neither...he's a clever opportunist that most likely has the "paid for speech" circuit in mind. $$$$$$


He may also go on to advising and counselling thugs on how not to abuse your wife. That's a winner.


Why are Quilliam violent racists? Do you have any evidence of this?


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 07:41 ----------


Many an idiot and racist has held that to be true. They (and you) are of course wrong.


You have too much hate in you.

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I thought he seemed pretty sincere on the news the other day. Seemed like he really did want to leave the band of racist thugs he set up. I think he really does want to put some distance between himself & the people that followed him who want to blow up mosques.


Quilliam don't seem to be violent racists, instead they counter extreme islamism & anti-islamism through intellectual debate. Maybe they've explained to him how groups like the EDL play into extreme islamist's hands. I'm not sure if Tommy will fit in well there, but they seem to have done their job on him.

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