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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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I thought he seemed pretty sincere on the news the other day. Seemed like he really did want to leave the band of racist thugs he set up. I think he really does want to put some distance between himself & the people that followed him who want to blow up mosques.


Quilliam don't seem to be violent racists, instead they counter extreme islamism & anti-islamism through intellectual debate. Maybe they've explained to him how groups like the EDL play into extreme islamist's hands. I'm not sure if Tommy will fit in well there, but they seem to have done their job on him.


Strange set up, Quilliam have pulled a clever stunt getting Mr Robinson on board, let's not forget Tommy is small fry compared to that Maajid Nawaz the Quilliam Chairman, look at their backgrounds and tell me who is potentially the most extreme, I certainly know who the clever one is :suspect:

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Yes, Maajid was an Islamic extremist, but he's had a change of heart & has spent the last few years arguing against it. It seems he's convinced Tommy, but I'm not sure Tommy really has the brains for it, maybe he'll just go back to his tanning salon or whatever he does.

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I thought he seemed pretty sincere on the news the other day. Seemed like he really did want to leave the band of racist thugs he set up. I think he really does want to put some distance between himself & the people that followed him who want to blow up mosques.


Quilliam don't seem to be violent racists, instead they counter extreme islamism & anti-islamism through intellectual debate. Maybe they've explained to him how groups like the EDL play into extreme islamist's hands. I'm not sure if Tommy will fit in well there, but they seem to have done their job on him.


Ii don't think he left because the EDL are racist thugs, they're not in general. There are a number of racist thugs who use the EDL as a platform to ait their more extreme views though, this is what he couldn't control.


TR is a reasonable bloke, who has been vilified for daring to mention the elephant in the room. The organisation he is with now are also getting the same vitriol, which is silly.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 10:57 ----------


Yes, Maajid was an Islamic extremist, but he's had a change of heart & has spent the last few years arguing against it. It seems he's convinced Tommy, but I'm not sure Tommy really has the brains for it, maybe he'll just go back to his tanning salon or whatever he does.


I would wager a pound to a dog biscuit that Mr Robinson is more intelligent that you.

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If TR is a reasonable bloke then he's incredibly stupid to have set up a band of racist thugs in the first place, I think he's now learned his mistake. Maybe he didn't even intend to set up a band of racist thugs & was just misunderstood, but it's what he did & it's the reason he gave for leaving them behind.

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If TR is a reasonable bloke then he's incredibly stupid to have set up a band of racist thugs in the first place, I think he's now learned his mistake.


He didn't do that. He set up a group to combat extremist re the demo in Luton when Muslims picketed a home coming celebration.


The Labour party has many ex BNPers now voting for them, so they are a party who welcomes extremists.

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He didn't do that. He set up a group to combat extremist re the demo in Luton when Muslims picketed a home coming celebration.


The Labour party has many ex BNPers now voting for them, so they are a party who welcomes extremists.


He set up a group to combat extremism by setting up a group of people who want to march around shouting at 'pakis' & causing fights, with a few fringe members who wanted to take it further & blow stuff up. He's clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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He set up a group to combat extremism by setting up a group of people who want to march around shouting at 'pakis' & causing fights. He's clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


No he didn't. You haven't listened to a word he's said. He's proved his point by his latest actions.

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I was concentrating on his actions. The EDL were a street protest movement, their protests were attended mainly by racist thugs, he did nothing effective to stop that for years.


He explained his motives for leaving, telling BBC Radio 5 live's Nicky Campbell: "When some moron lifts up his top and he's got the picture of a mosque saying 'boom' and it's all over the national newspapers, it's me, it's when I pick up my kids from school the parents are looking at me, judging me on that.



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I was concentrating on his actions. The EDL were a street protest movement, their protests were attended mainly by racist thugs, he did nothing to stop that for years.


If you look at his convictions he's a thug himself so it's not surprising.

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The fact is Quilliam have courted Tommy Robinson but not extremists like Anjem Choudary, the likes of whom are a bigger threat to the UK. I'm afraid to say, the Islamist extremists in this country are of such a nature they are very unlikely to be at all responsive to Quilliam's agenda, so who is kidding who :suspect:

Maybe if and when (though I doubt it will happen), Quilliam bring out an Islamist extremist, like they did Mr Robinson last week, then their agenda may be more believable ... IMHO !

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