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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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there's no single reason why people run to extreme Islam, but is say anger at something plays a big part

the EDL don't help in this country, let's face it if somebody was stomping round outside our houses trying to be offensive, chanting things against you and your kin you'd get angry, being told constantly you're scum and evil you're gonna push against it, some particularly younger males are gonna be attracted to the more extreme possibly violent options, and the extremist imams are gonna play on it, sweet talking them, showing other actions to entice them further in


Would you show the same consideration, and look for reasons why, to a young angry white person who joined the BNP?

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Would you show the same consideration, and look for reasons why, to a young angry white person who joined the BNP?

yes in some cases its the same, ive always said BOTH the BNP / EDL and islamic fundamentalism are opposite sides to the same coin, they want unrest, they want this fear, hatred, they revel in it, it plays right into the hands of BOTH sets of extremists, both sides make money out of it, both sides get power and control out of it


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 18:25 ----------


I'm sure anger and feeling marginalised and unwelcome here do play a big part. I heard a Somali immigrant say that was why he some years ago in his teens had become involved with a radical Islamic group. The result of it was that he was recruited by them and ended up at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. He came to his senses when he realised he was being exploited by the leaders who were horrible controlling bullies.

Some of the tactics they used were appalling (ranging from forcing them to recite some passage from the Quran out of context repeatedly to make them feel violent acts was justified) to using other brain washing techniques.


Here's an account from another Muslim about his experience in Pakistan



Referring to Tommy Robinson and others like him, I feel we have to try and understand why some of them become like that, unless we have lived in the same environment as them we don't know.


I do believe some people can change, radical Islamists can be de-radicalised and EDL supporters can too.



although re:- the bit in bold, but for the most part we DO live in the same environment as them, its the same headspace thats different, not the living environment

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I'm sure anger and feeling marginalised and unwelcome here do play a big part. I heard a Somali immigrant say that was why he some years ago in his teens had become involved with a radical Islamic group. The result of it was that he was recruited by them and ended up at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. He came to his senses when he realised he was being exploited by the leaders who were horrible controlling bullies.

Some of the tactics they used were appalling (ranging from forcing them to recite some passage from the Quran out of context repeatedly to make them feel violent acts was justified) to using other brain washing techniques.


Here's an account from another Muslim about his experience in Pakistan



Referring to Tommy Robinson and others like him, I feel we have to try and understand why some of them become like that, unless we have lived in the same environment as them we don't know.


I do believe some people can change, radical Islamists can be de-radicalised and EDL supporters can too.


ACE vid >




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ACE vid >





Tommy doesn't even know you Rampent so why are you making out like you know him well?

I've just spoken to my mate Abdullah who is sat in a Shisha bar with Tommy and Kevin down in Tower Hamlets enjoying some Shisha pipe and dancing girls!,:hihi:

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Tommy doesn't even know you Rampent so why are you making out like you know him well?

I've just spoken to my mate Abdullah who is sat in a Shisha bar with Tommy and Kevin down in Tower Hamlets enjoying some Shisha pipe and dancing girls!,:hihi:


Really?? Kevin scares me. I don't like Kevin. I've met Tommy a few times :love::love: I own a teddy called Tommy. :love:

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I think people are starting to realise that now. I'm just glad, and proud to say, we knew it all along and said so even though it attracted abuse and name calling.


Whether or not you think he's a Nazi, he's still a wife beater with convictions for violence, drugs and fraud offences. He's still stupid.

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Whether or not you think he's a Nazi, he's still a wife beater with convictions for violence, drugs and fraud offences. He's still stupid.


You / they made most of it all up. His latest court appearance proved it. Anyway, I don't care about what he's done in the past... Its time to look forward..

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You / they made most of it all up. His latest court appearance proved it. Anyway, I don't care about what he's done in the past... Its time to look forward..


Which bits? His latest court appearance doesn't prove anything beyond the outcome of that particular case.


Are you claiming he didn't assault a police officer who was called to an incident where he was violent towards his partner?


Are you condoning spousal abuse or violence in general, or is it just violence against women and police officers that you think marks him out as the man to follow?


Are you claiming his fraud related convictions are fiction, or are you saying that a bit of fraud is Ok really? (Perhaps it's the latter, since you're clearly here under yet another new username contrary to the rules).


Not bothered by his drug offences? Are you claiming they were made up too, or do you have that peculiarly right wing trait of condemning drug takers whilst being a prolific user of certain drugs yourself?


You talk of 'looking forward' - does this mean you'll be making more effort to get to know Muslims and try and shed some of your prejudices? Do let us know how you get on.

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