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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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Tommy Robinson will disappear from the public eye. He may try and launch a political party but that will no doubt fail. To be honest i don't really care what Robinson does next to be honest what i do care about is the downfall of the EDL. Today the EDL died and was consigned to the dust bin of history where it belongs. There is no chance that the EDL can carry on without Robinson at its head there is no other leader who could possibly take them forward.


EDL- 2009-2013 Gone and forgotten.

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Tommy Robinson will disappear from the public eye. He may try and launch a political party but that will no doubt fail. To be honest i don't really care what Robinson does next to be honest what i do care about is the downfall of the EDL. Today the EDL died and was consigned to the dust bin of history where it belongs. There is no chance that the EDL can carry on without Robinson at its head there is no other leader who could possibly take them forward.


EDL- 2009-2013 Gone and forgotten.

I do wish I shared your optimism.
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So he has finally admitted what the EDL apologists on here refuse to - that the EDL is over run with violent racist thugs.


Good riddance to him and his army of scum followers.


True. But he's also proved that he is no racist by his latest joining with Muslims who oppose Islamists.



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There will be a political vacuum that some will try to fill. Some of this will be for political control and some for financial gain. I can see different far-right groups - the NF, BNP, et al - competing to recruit and sell badges, masks, flags, etc, to the lager-drinkers. It won't be pretty.



What a stupid thing to say,so are you saying people who like a lager are EDL.:loopy:

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Its the big Bradford demo this weekend I think. That could turn nasty. There's going to be a power struggle now and those in contention are not very nice.


Personally, I always supported TR, but not the EDL. I support him in his new venture which proves that all along his goal was to tackle Islamists and not Muslims.


There's been some posts on here ridiculing the fact that he's left by his detractors but it is they who should feel silly because the man has proved he is no racist or fascist by his actions.

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Have the UAF claimed victory yet ?


Whether it was a deliberate strategy or not (probably not) I think the EDL have gained far more than the UAF in terms of objectives.


The immigration issue is now mainstream thanks to the meteoric rise of UKIP. I think the EDL part a significant part in this by taking the bulk of the 'racism hit' that is always directed at anyone expressing concern about immigration policy. The presence of the EDL made UKIP more credible and acceptable.


The UAF actaully contributed to this by making the EDL, and their concerns about Islam, a much bigger news story than it otherwise would have been. They also failed to realise that a significant number of ordinary people share that concern even if they didn't like the tactics or 'undertones' of the EDL. When the likes of the UAF (and people do it on this forum too) dismiss concerns about Islam as racism then they inadvertently attach that label to millions of ordinary people too. All this did was drive people to seek a more acceptable voice for their concerns and found it in UKIP.


There is now a real chance that UKIP could form part of a coalition government after the next election and could actually implement some of their policies. At the very least they will gain enough of the vote to cement their place as a serious mainstream party.

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