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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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Immigration has always been a mainstream issue. Successive governments have passed immigration acts. It's just that the mainstream deals with other issues too - health, education, defence, transport, energy, environment, etc, etc - issues that UKIP doesn't deal with other than by opposing HS2 and supporting fracking.


UKIP will need to win a couple of dozen seats at least to be part of a coalition and hope they're bigger than the Lib-Dems. Even if they get one or two MPs they'll only be as relevant as the SNP or Plaid Cymru. The Tories won't touch them at the moment because they'll lose votes to Labour if they associate themselves with them. During a general election campaign UKIP's lack of structure, discipline and organisation will become obvious and cost them votes by making them look like the amateurish bunch of whingers they are.


Your appraisal is not far off the mark but dismissing them as no more than whingers is a mistake.


What they are whinging about strikes a chord with a huge amount of people - they averaged 25% of the vote in the wards in which they stood at the last local elections. Whilst the protest vote is often a factor at local elections, the sheer volume of votes makes it a game changer come the next general election because a UKIP vote is no longer automatically seen as a wasted vote. And they are going to get better organised, attract better candidates and field more candidates.


As for Tommy boy, I think he likes the limelight too much to go quietl. I don't think he'd stand a chance as an independent at a general election but the protest vote really does kick in when it comes to voting for MEP's and it's a nice earner too... I think that will be his next move.


---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 21:54 ----------


He has got some valid points. No doubt about it. If he is sincere as I think he is then he's recognised that twerps like this guy aren't going to help get the points across





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Your appraisal is not far off the mark but dismissing them as no more than whingers is a mistake.


What they are whinging about strikes a chord with a huge amount of people - they averaged 25% of the vote in the wards in which they stood at the last local elections. Whilst the protest vote is often a factor at local elections, the sheer volume of votes makes it a game changer come the next general election because a UKIP vote is no longer automatically seen as a wasted vote. And they are going to get better organised, attract better candidates and field more candidates.


As for Tommy boy, I think he likes the limelight too much to go quietl. I don't think he'd stand a chance as an independent at a general election but the protest vote really does kick in when it comes to voting for MEP's and it's a nice earner too... I think that will be his next move.


---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 21:54 ----------





No, lizards

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As for Tommy,I saw through him from day one,


You mean he's a Zionist who waives Israeli flags?


---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 22:46 ----------


Your appraisal is not far off the mark but dismissing them as no more than whingers is a mistake.


No. They're a bunch of whingers. What are their policies on health, education, transport, defence, etc? I looked on their website to find out and on their What We Stand For page all they do is slag off everyone else and offer the do-all panacea of EU withdrawal with the pretence that that alone will solve all our problems. But it never says what should be done instead. It's no more than a whingers' charter with one policy.

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You mean he's a Zionist who waives Israeli flags?---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 22:46 ----------



No. They're a bunch of whingers. What are their policies on health, education, transport, defence, etc? I looked on their website to find out and on their What We Stand For page all they do is slag off everyone else and offer the do-all panacea of EU withdrawal with the pretence that that alone will solve all our problems. But it never says what should be done instead. It's no more than a whingers' charter with one policy.


Yes,exactly,no true nationalist would give him the time of day,just another sell out .

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As for Tommy boy, I think he likes the limelight too much to go quietl. I don't think he'd stand a chance as an independent at a general election but the protest vote really does kick in when it comes to voting for MEP's

He'd have to pick his constituency wisely. I don't think he has the numbers, or the brains.


I believe Robinson to be a solid opportunist. He's just run a big donation campaign and has then left the EDL. If it was something he was considering abandoning, then he's got his money in before he's jumped ship.

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You mean he's a Zionist who waives Israeli flags?


---------- Post added 09-10-2013 at 22:46 ----------



No. They're a bunch of whingers. What are their policies on health, education, transport, defence, etc? I looked on their website to find out and on their What We Stand For page all they do is slag off everyone else and offer the do-all panacea of EU withdrawal with the pretence that that alone will solve all our problems. But it never says what should be done instead. It's no more than a whingers' charter with one policy.


Well look were the policies of successive governments hve got us regarding the likes of health and education.


A report this week evidenced that reading, writing and arthmetic iis worse for young adults who have recently passed through the education system than it was for their grandparents. The policies (read as interference) of government has made things worse.


The same is true for health. Labour threw money at the NHS at the same time as introducing endless targets and dictating strategies and policies. Double the funding and only the slightest improvement because they are now focused on stat management instead of patient care - they pumped waste into the system. The current lot are trying to rein in the spending but are also blind to the fact the waste in the system is largely their own doing... they set the cultural tone of the organsiation by the way they manage it and the poo rolls downward.


Why do we crave strategies and policies from politicians when they consistently make things worse? We need small government that is primarily concerned with managing the books and national strategies re the likes of foreign policy, immigration and defence. We don't want them coming up with 'solutions' for the NHS, education etc because they are rubbish at it. Think ID cards, NHS database, e-government for the last lot and digital by default and universal credit for the current lot.


God spare us from politicians with too many policies! Although, perhaps not as few as Tommy and the EDL!!

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