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What next for Tommy Robinson?

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I had to fast forward through a load of guff to find it. So he was just there to make a cheap attempt at humour. Cool.


How do you feel about his history of domestic violence and conviction for assaulting a police officer? What does it say about the man?


So you accept you were wrong about the first point?


I don't really care about the second, I don't even know if they're true. With your record of inaccuracies, who knows.


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 17:33 ----------


I predict UAF will turn their attentions to UKIP now..

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So you accept you were wrong about the first point?


I don't really care about the second, I don't even know if they're true. With your record of inaccuracies, who knows.


So you think assaulting a partner is Ok? It wouldn't put you off a bloke?



'My record of innacuracies'? Been here before have you? Quelle surprise.

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I had to fast forward through a load of guff to find it. So he was just there to make a cheap attempt at humour. Cool.


How do you feel about his history of domestic violence and conviction for assaulting a police officer? What does it say about the man?

Let they that is without sin cast the first stone...come on you can get a conviction for assaulting a copper just by brushing past them ,just before you fall down the jail stairs

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Let they that is without sin cast the first stone...come on you can get a conviction for assaulting a copper just by brushing past them


True, but that isn't the case with Tommy Robinson/Stephen Lennon/Paul Harris or whatever he is calling himself now.


The guy is a small time villain with a long record for a number of assaults among other things.


He still hasn't explained what happened to the £160,000 raised by the EDL selling hoodies in 2009-10.

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Why so? UKIP is non-racist, non-fascist, and open to everyone. So the UAF [whoever that is] has no reason to find fault.


Try telling that bunch of idiots that.




---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 20:18 ----------


So you think assaulting a partner is Ok? It wouldn't put you off a bloke?



'My record of innacuracies'? Been here before have you? Quelle surprise.


If his wife thought it forgivable then who am I, or you, to get involved. As for the police incident. They do sometimes tell lies or inflate an incident. Ask any of the relatives of the 96 people killed at Hillsborough.


You would be the first to complain about stop and search.

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Time for this to get another outing! :D



Rather childish ...still whatever floats your boat...and they call the EDL cretinous..pot kettle black springs to mind


---------- Post added 10-10-2013 at 23:03 ----------


haha i like this one



didnt quite get his point across well on this interview lol

Thought he got it across quite well considering delay was on,one sided, giving the studio presenter the advantage ,which obviously was intended ,thats the first time Iv listened to Robinson he seems a level headed intelligent person,contrary to the reactions by some on here ,he was calm ,didnt lose his rag and had a lot of salient points.

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