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Can anyone else remember going Christmas carolling?


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Thanks to all of those that answered sensibly,you obviously remember

I remember and nice memories they are too. Never mind these silly people who can't reply without being stupid. I remember the Salvation Army the same as Sultana, (I'm sure we must be from the same era, what do you think?).

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I reckon we should have a Sheffield Forum carol singing choir.






What do you think bananapie?




Just a little bit of humour not intended to offend. I loved going carol singing and did so until about 6 years ago. I used to take a few kids from our estate including my own kids, and went from house to house. We stopped going when people were reluctant to open their doors, which is quite understandable nowadays. I apologise again. :)

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It's an enterprising way for kids to earn money. Infact from Halloween onwards my little business used to start:


Trick or treat - I was one of the earliest to catch onto this as making a packet. Do it for at least a week to really annoy everyone.


Straight into Penny for the guy (the most blatant disregard of the trades description act I've ever seen - you wanted at least ten pence)


Straight into dark nights then so didn't mind offering myself up for more babysitting.


Carolling for the majority of December.


I was always loaded by Christmas! *And have annoyed the majority of my estate severely!



Then I had Christmas, quickly followed by my birthday so it was only the Summer months when I had to turn to washing cars to make a living!

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Oh - just remembered, the thing that used to make me feel really Christmassy was when the Salvation Army band used to come round our estate - wish they still did that.

Christmas to me means The Salvation Army Band,sultana.I normally hate it, but this band always lifts my spirits.

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Once went carolling in Dortmund, Germany with some tipsy mates. Made a small fortune and got even 'tipsier' at the expense of the locals. Sympathy I think!! For some reason we ended up in a church at about midnight and all fell asleep on the back pews. They woke us when the service was over and we went carolling again. Nobody turned us away, and nobody failed to hand over money. Were we that threatening?:suspect:

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As kids , in the '50's , we used to go carol singing round the Ecclesall Road area , starting about a week before Xmas .

When we reached our early teens however , I'm afraid the Xmas spirit took a bit of a back seat in the proceedings . We found that if we could get a couple of girls to go with us , the whole adventure used to turn into a good excuse for a bit of hanky-panky .

Those big gardens on Victoria Road and Collegiate Crescent were ideal for a bit of Winter romance , when you were 14 or 15 .Silent nights indeed !

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In the 70s and 80s we used to carol sing for charity round the pubs in Crookes and Broomhill. Start off in the Notty for a quick practice then catch the bus to the Top Shop in Crookes. Needless to say we would need a drink in each of the pubs as we worked our way back down to the Notty.


In later years we were joined by members of The Oughtibridge Silver Band which swelled our numbers to about 20. On more than one occasion we would get split up with the collectors in one pub, the singers in another and the band in a third.

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