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Recipe for potted meat?


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Not wishing to (but in all probability) sound ignorant, but MACE????, isn't that what rapists get sprayed in their no good eyes?


Please tell me it's something else entirely........



i wouldnt waste mace on rapists, a sharp knife to the nether regions is what would cure them, then hang them up for all to view

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has anyone got a recipe for good old potted meat,ask your Mums or your Grannies.I am in aussie and nobody here knows what it is:help:


Contact yur local butcher, see if they will give you the recipie, or better still buy theirs save you the troule of making it, unless you,like making things. Theres nothing better than home made food, i love making cakes. My Strawberry Flapjack goes down a treat.

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Mrs Beetons,

Potted Beef

2lb lean beef

a pinch of powdered cloves

a pinch of powdered mace

a good pinch of powdered allspice

salt- pepper

1/2 -1 teaspoon anchovy essence

Clarified butter

Wipe trim and cut the meat into small pieces.

Put in a stone jar or casserole with 1 tablespoon water, the cloves,mace, allspice,

salt -pepper. Cover with several thicknesses of greased paper and a lid,

and place in a pan of boiling water, or cook in the oven in a tin of boiling water.

Cook gently for about three hours, replenishing the water as it reduces.

Then pound the meat well, adding juice from the meat and a few drops of anchovy

essence by degrees.

Season to taste, rub through a fine wire sieve, press into pots and cover with

melted clarified butter.


Or just buy some.

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  • 1 year later...

The Company is still there now called Binghams Food Ltd - it has been at Western Rd since the 1930s and was started by a Charles Bingham in 1913 . Does anyone out there used to work for the "Potted Dog Factory" ??


Slightly off the subject, but wasn't there a potted meat factory on Western Road, Crookes? I'm sure I remember one when I was a youngster.



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I love it! but (and I promise this is no word of a lie) In 1969/70 I worked briefly for a food wholsaler near West Bar. The proprietor purchased from somewhere (I dont know), hundreds of boxes of six pound cans of corned beef dating back to the second world war. He sent some samples off to be analyzed for 'fit for human consunption'. It was grey in colour:gag:

The results were fine and the whole lot was purchased by a well known local factory, who shall remain nameless, to be processed into potted meat. I kid you not.

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  • 3 years later...

My dad used to make something he called potted meat, he used,


1lb shin beef

1 cow heal ready boiled (it is white in colour)

salt and pepper


Mince the shin beef

take the cow heal of the bone and mince


simmer both until soft and drain of all the liquid,put all the meat into a dish and place a saucer over it and press over night with weights on the saucer, turn it out onto a plate and it should look like a jelly.

He used to have it on sandwiches.


I dont know if you can still get cow heal anywhere but he use to get it in the market, ready boiled, that is what sets it like jelly I think they make gelatine out of it.

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