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Lilliput Magazine


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You oldsters if you could cast your minds back to the fifties, there was a magazine called the 'Lilliput', if I remember rightly not only did it have better than average articles it also had nudes in full page adornment throughout the periodical. Now I would like to know when it all started and how long did they publish it for. Or am I confusing it with another magazine called the 'Esquire' that might have possibly come out around the same time and I don't mean the current American one of the same name that I believe is to do with men's fashion.

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Well fleets here's one who remembers it. My parents had a newsagents for a good many years and I used to read everything I could lay my mitts on. Lilliput, I think, was a monthly and I read it from cover to cover. There were some good writers contributed to the magazine with short stories being the usual fodder. There were cartoons and poetry in fact a good all-round read. I lost track of it when I came out of the Army but I seem to remember it merged with another publishing house and disappeared from sight.

Two more magazines were published about the same time as the Lilliput, the London Opinion and Argosy. All three were good solid literary publications with top contributers. I wish there was something like them on the shelves nowadays.

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You mentioned Esquire fleets. I first came across that back in the mid 50's. I was impressed at the articles and writers in it but it was very expensive and right out of my league. It was quite big and thick ( like some people). They'd cover jazz, a subject close to my heart, and have interviews with some of the top jazz acts. At that time only the specialist jazz mags did that. And of course there was the fashion side, Brookes Brothers suits, Arrow shirts, and all the gear. All very glossy and sophisticated, but like I said, you could buy a night's booze for the price of the magazine.

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