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M62 cameras are working when you think otherwise.

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Thanks. I never know which are which. I have looked them up in the past, just out of general interest, but soon forget.


I try and stick to the limit, so I'm not really bothered what type they use - hence I quickly forget.


Also Gatsos, the flashy ones, may flash but that doesn't mean they've actually taken a photo..

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Someone says a camera flashed.


No evidence of anyone getting a ticket.


Highways Agency say that the cameras could be used for speed enforcement. No-one says that they are used when switched off or that they will be.


Move along. Nothing to be seen here.

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Has anybody had a speeding ticket from one of these?


From rumours I've heard, which may or may not be true, the cameras can be on, but they don't automatically send a ticket, they need to be checked by a human operator & that's not likely to happen if it's NSL. There's usually only one set turned on per stretch of motorway too.

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Rumours and speculation are all I've been able to find about the M6 / M42 ones, with people just assuming that if there is no reduced speed limit the cameras are off.


Someone else said that they're only active at around 90mph.


Someone said that there are no active speed cameras on normal motorways without roadworks. But there have been vans parked on bridges and unmarked police cars regularly catch speeders.

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Rumours and speculation are all I've been able to find about the M6 / M42 ones, with people just assuming that if there is no reduced speed limit the cameras are off.


Someone else said that they're only active at around 90mph.


Someone said that there are no active speed cameras on normal motorways without roadworks. But there have been vans parked on bridges and unmarked police cars regularly catch speeders.


Yep lots in Lanca$hire..on bridges over the northern bit of the M6..seen them on a police embankment on the M180 as well..

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Yep lots in Lanca$hire..on bridges over the northern bit of the M6..seen them on a police embankment on the M180 as well..
Seen them on the M18 bridge between the A1 and Bramley exits. Small 17t lorry in white, with conspicuous (to the observant :D) blacked out windows at "odd places" on the rear (load) portion.
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Seen them on the M18 bridge between the A1 and Bramley exits. Small 17t lorry in white, with conspicuous (to the observant :D) blacked out windows at "odd places" on the rear (load) portion.


17ton lorry?.. I've seen transit sized vans but never the lorry..

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17ton lorry?.. I've seen transit sized vans but never the lorry..
Yes, like one of these, but a bit fancier IIRC (more plastic/bodywork on it, like horse transports, if you know what I mean).


Definitely had SYP crest and the blue-and-yellow checkers on the doors as I passed by and checked.


The blacked-out windows (2 or 3, can't remember) were down the side towards the rear/nearly adjacent the doors, about half-way-up-but-not-quite. Facing the motorway (southbound at the time), no windows that I observed on the other side. It was not like a 'prisoner transport' truck at all.


Was on the B6094 or B6376 bridge, 'tucked in' at the beginning of the bridge ('stradling' the emergency lane from above). There was not a doubt in my mind that it was some sort of speed trapping thingymajjig or, if not, then at least ANPR of some sort for some purpose. I remember thinking at the time that I would not be surprised to see intercept cars shortly down the road, e.g. waiting at or shortly before Bramley.

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Yes, like one of these.


Definitely had SYP crest and the blue-and-yellow checkers on the doors as I passed by and checked.


The blacked-out windows (2 or 3, can't remember) were down the side towards the rear/nearly adjacent the doors, about half-way-up-but-not-quite. Facing the motorway (southbound at the time), no windows that I observed on the other side. It was not like a 'prisoner transport' truck at all.


Was on the B6094 or B6376 bridge, 'tucked in' at the beginning of the bridge ('stradling' the emergency lane from above).


OK I'll watch out for that one then..

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