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Looking for Women of Steel, or Women of Steel witness


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I am currently working on the role of the Women of Steel in WWII Sheffield for my Masters studies.

I already did a lot of research concerning the topic but I thought it could be even more interesting if I could get to hear direct accounts from a Woman of Steel or her relatives.

I am trying to highlight whether or not their role in the steel industry changed anything to their living conditions and social status not only during but also after the war; how they perceived this job they were asked to do.

My wildest ambition would be to meet a woman of steel but I know this is very hard to do, even harder considering the fact that I live in France and come to Sheffield only a few times in the year.

But who doesn't try doesn't get anything, so if you have anything to suggest me to go on with my project I would be very glad to hear about it :)

Thank you,


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