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Radio Sheffield Sports Commentary


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I was watching the Olympics on the BBC the other night and couldn’t believe just how bad Brent Pope’s Ice Hockey commentary was. It made a boring game ten times duller.


Imagine how much better it would have been with Seth Bennett commentating, like he does for Radio Sheffield.


That got me thinking that it would be great for Seth, Luke Wileman and Paul Walker to be going to the World Cup in Germany this summer as part of Radio Five Live’s team. I think they’re terrific, and I think it’d be great to have some of our local accents on the BBC. I think that it’s sad that regional sports commentators, such as Bob Ballard and Steve Houghton, have to go to London to be regarded as suitable for covering national matches.


I decided to write an e-mail to Charles Runcie, the BBC’s head of nations and regions sport, saying how much I enjoy the Radio Sheffield commentary team. He wrote me a very nice reply which said that there were no plans at the moment for Seth, Paul or Luke to go over to Germany. However, he did say that Seth was nearly asked to do the Olympics, and he did leave a little hope that they might be called upon for the summer.


I would like to point out that I have absolutely no connection to any of the men, or to Radio Sheffield.


If anyone else thinks that Seth, Paul or Luke would make good World Cup commentators then send an e-mail to charles.runcie@bbc.co.uk. I’m sure all concerned would be appreciative.

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