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Pakistan Taliban "open to talks"

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Hot on the heals of the new Iranian PM wanting a chat with Obama, the head of the Pakistan Taliban wants to talk to the Pakistani government. His first order of business appears to be stopping American drones killing them (and people who might look like them).


Should the Pakistan government talk to them or not?

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His first order of business appears to be stopping American drones killing them (and people who might look like them).


Technically known as "civilians".


Personally if a Pakistani (a flippin' foreigner I should add) has the unmitigated gall to be living in their own country, going about their lawful business, they're a fair target for killer drones in my opinion.


Just who do these people think they are?

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Technically known as "civilians".


Personally if a Pakistani (a flippin' foreigner I should add) has the unmitigated gall to be living in their own country, going about their lawful business, they're a fair target for killer drones in my opinion.


Just who do these people think they are?


Them Pakistani civilians aren't worth much though, in fact I'm surprised any civilian drone survivors dont end up in court for illegally absorbing American lead.

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Technically known as "civilians".


Personally if a Pakistani (a flippin' foreigner I should add) has the unmitigated gall to be living in their own country, going about their lawful business, they're a fair target for killer drones in my opinion.


Just who do these people think they are?


Yes, that's the bit I was driving at. Oh for a sarcasm smiley. That said, the Pakistan Taliban aren't averse to blowing people up either. Or shooting schoolgirls, destroying immunisation centres etc etc. Do you think they'll stop doing those things if the drone attacks stop?

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Them Pakistani civilians aren't worth much though, in fact I'm surprised any civilian drone survivors dont end up in court for illegally absorbing American lead.


Reminds me of this famous Chris Rock sketch about gun control


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They also want sharia imposed. They already kill people routinely for having a bit of fun. So do Hamas come to that. There has to be negotiation but I can already hear the sound of knife on bone.


Why negotiate? They're unlikely to negotiate in good faith. Plus we're winning. They weren't too keen on negotiating when they thought they could do all their fighting by strapping bombs to their children. Now they're in harms way themselves they want to talk.


No military strategy comes without losses. Drone strikes are not perfect but at least they get the real bad guys as well as the civilians and foot-soldiers. By most standards it's well targeted strategy.

Any other tactic I'm aware of is either ineffective leaving the Taliban free to kill whoever they want, or involves much greater loss of life beyond the Taliban leadership.

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Reminds me of this famous Chris Rock sketch about gun control



You should really have warned about the adult content of this clip.

The F word isnt really suitable for a family forum.

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