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Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

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Rhetorical nonsense.


Nice cut and paste, but the article you linked to commits as many cardinal sins of historiography as the article linked to in the OP.


The article you linked to uses the "argument of silence" to demonstrate that Jesus didn't exist. This is especially worrying, for the authors if they wish to retain credibility, for obvious reasons.

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After exhaustive tests on the parchment on which the confession was written and time tests on the ink used it's been established that the paper was a brand that Smith's book store stock of which several thousand reams had been recently purchased by the Sheffield College of Atheist Studies

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There is no such thing as the old and new tesitments. However there is such a thing as the old and new testaments they make up the bible.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I've always thought that if Jesus was made up he'd be a lot more bad-ass he would'nt of been crucified he would of probably flown over Jerusalem zapping people and flipping off Pilate


People in glass houses......

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I've always thought that if Jesus was made up he'd be a lot more bad-ass he would'nt of been crucified he would of probably flown over Jerusalem zapping people and flipping off Pilate


He actually did, but it was worried that people might not believe it, so they toned it down to just walking on water and turning water into wine. :)

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If a panel of Romans sat down to write the Gospels and St. Paul's letters, which give us the "story of Jesus", why didn't they write a cohesive account with no contradictions?

In places, Mark, Matthew and Luke differ significantly. They were written over a period of years: Paul first, then Mark, then Matthew and Luke.

Look at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew and in Luke - -it dorsn't match up. Nor does the "royal" part of it in Matthew match the book of Kings. Now, would you make such mistakes if you were making up the biography of (say) James Bond or Mickey Mouse?


So we are asked to believe in a Roman government conspiracy to write up a non-existent Jesus, by a group so incompetent they couldn't get their stories straight?


Or is it more believable that we have a Roman conspiracy to write a "Jesus Denial" like the "Holocaust Denials" we have seen in our time? In fact, are these "confessions" LIES?

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If the Romans started the Jesus story and cult then wouldn't we expect to find the Jesus story in the writings of known Roman writers?


It's the lack of any historical evidence for/against the character of Jesus that makes it possible to claim almost anything.


Besides, if Atwill was really a serious scholar I doubt he would be announcing his 'findings' to the media rather than peer reviewed publication.

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We're looking through 21st century eyes though where documentation and storage is far easier than it was 2000 years ago. You only have to watch Time Team to look at the level of guesswork they do on sites.


Already we have books written a hundred years ago changed and edited to remove certain phrases and words - Huck Finn & The 39 Steps are two I can instantly recall.

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