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Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

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there is in fact more evidence that jesus Christ walked on this earth than Julius Ceaser. have a look here :- http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/what-historical-evidence-is-there-to-support-the-existence-of-jesus-christ/


No there isn't. Your link is to a Christian web site. Do you think they are going to give you unbiased information? You might expect there to be a little more evidence for the Son of God but wishing it doesn't make it fact.

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Forget the belief thing, its just the guise of a business plan, selling nothing for something, its original, and who would have believed it to begin with. So all religions need to establish themselves build things, and that needs CASH. So its a business model always was, and business is serious as it is, and if one failed to believe some time ago, then torture could remedy the situation and a new convert exists, well for a time, till the sadists publicly burned them or worse.


Christian priests like dressing up in dresses and skirts, hence the child abuse thingy, which is now illegal but for the best part of 2000 years was a sort of special religious experience, for the converted of course.


Its a lesson for all of us, if someone tells us anything its worth investigating, to find the truth, and not just trusting the written word, as those that edit it, tend to want to convey a specific message. The new bible for most are the tabloids, where it has to be true because it written, and we now have a new breed of believers, who take the word as truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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Nero was Emperor from 54 to 68 AD. This seems to be the period in which Paul wrote his epistles. Christians were such a nuisance that he persecuted them, and blamed them for the fire of Rome.

The "Four Gospels" seem to have been written after his reign.

So we have a sect making themselves a nuisance to Rome before the major writings that inspired them existed. Does that seem strange to anyone?

The growth of Christianity occurred after Vespasian and Titus smashed the Jews and flattened Jerusalem (70 AD). Seems a bit unnecessary to invent a legend to deal with the Jewish menace then.

Then, of course, the third Flavian emperor, Domitian, persecuted the Christians -- the sect his family are supposed to have "invented"!

Yes, a lot of Christian legend draws on other sources, like the tales of Moses and Elijah. Yes, some of the story fits with Josephus. Yes, many rulers had miraculous births, and "gods" for fathers. Yes, the Mithras cult called for the novice to be washed in the blood of the sacrifice. Much of this may be legends which stuck to the story of Jesus, as the "cherry tree" stuck to George Washington.

I believe that Jesus lived and taught. I don't believe he was the "Son of God", because (a) "God" as a spirit cannot have intercourse with women (b) there ain\t no "God" nohow, so there! So I regard "Christ" as a figure made up to be the magic man at the head of the Christian parade, which sometrimes walks away from the path of Jesus' teaching.


Maybe I'll know more when I see the evidence these fellows have, but I'll have to wait for my library to get the book, because I'm not shelling out good cash for it!

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......and I'm still looking for it. I only possess a standard keyboard.


One could insert it from MS Word's "symbols"; it has the ASCII decimal value 133.

But I still don't know how to type that into a post on here.

Somebody does, so maybe they'll tell us!

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One could insert it from MS Word's "symbols"; it has the ASCII decimal value 133.

But I still don't know how to type that into a post on here.

Somebody does, so maybe they'll tell us!

goto start/programs/accessories/system tools/character map


find the one you want, double click it itll appear in a box below, you can copy from that box and paste it into anything you want including a reply box on here

i remember it from winxp days etc but im on win 7 and just had a look its still there

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