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The ultimate reason why Britain can't be a full member of the EU.

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Not as much as we could; being in the EU restricts our trade with the rest of the world.


How does being in the EU restrict our trade with the rest of the world?


and I wouldn't hold much hope that the Commonwealth will last very long once the Queen passes away.

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Britain, apart from having various overseas territories, is the central hub of a Commonwealth of 53 other countries, and our monarch/head of state is also the monarch/HOS of said 53 countries; how could one constituant part of a state have so much responsibility and importance to itself separate from the rest of the state it is a constituent part of? This is the ultimate reason why we can't partake in the end game of the EU which is for the member states to fully merge politically and fiscally to create a federal superstate, which Baroso and co are quite open about now.


So it's sort of 'arf in and 'arf out? That wont work either. As for the Coomonwealth that's just an association of countries who recognize the queen as their head but the power is with their indiividual leaders of course and they pretty much all do their own thing with or without the queen's approval

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As for the Coomonwealth that's just an association of countries who recognize the queen as their head but the power is with their indiividual leaders of course and they pretty much all do their own thing with or without the queen's approval


Actually, only a few of the commonwealth countries have QEII as their head of state, most of the members are republics.

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the end game of the EU which is for the member states to fully merge politically and fiscally to create a federal superstate, which Baroso and co are quite open about now.

Yes. What part of its treaties' references to "ever-closer union" don't the Euro-enthusiasts understand?

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Island people are fiercely independent, and as if you or anyone on this site has real dealing with any European business, or other such external references. We are ruled by them that know what is good for us, and such tabloid concepts are fed to people on this site and they believe it is true, because it was written.


We are ruled by the financial industry, and if you think anyone has a say as to where or what we do you are mistaken. If we joined Europe what do you think would happen to the most unregulated financial system on this globe? The UK is the least regulated financial system in the world, thus the financial swindlers, pirates, and crooks swarm here.


Does anyone here know what the status of the City of London is????? Its a state within a state, with its own laws.


They fee the opinions people gobble up and then personalise, as most people as it is well know, if they had an original idea, it would die of lonlyness.


The tabloids have created a revised lynch mob attitude to concepts providing selective information on a need to know basis, and the great unwashed only need to know what they are told is the only possible reality.


This post is a joke as policy is formulate in the City of London, and the thieves and crooks there, wearing 10K suits, decide what you think, what you kids are educated to, what higher education means, and their success is shown in the global e=league of academic achievement.


If you were not privately educated, went to Oxbridge then you cannot be expected to be able to think for yourselves, hence the need for tabloid simplicity.


Remember your place, you have no say in anything of value, and the joke every so often of putting cross on a bit of paper, just like the uneducated plebs are expected to do, as to expect more is a waste of time. Let then think they have a say, and after the farce is over then they can be forgotten till the mites are required to draw a similar picture again.


You have no voice, no opinions, nothing but the taxes governments on behalf of the privately owned can screw out of you. Remember who you are, and what you are, a faceless, mindless mob, that now needs a semi militarised police force, and mass surveylance to make sure the troublemakers, or those with genuine opinions, are dealt with, as the laws are now in place to incarcerate a saint.


So keep on bleating the tabloid opinions, and demonstrate what good and compliant people you are.

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