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Yorkshire group seeks to destroy Yorkshire people's living standards.

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A Yorkshire group seeks to destroy the living standards of Yorkshire people.


Government estimates show that Yorkshire needs 133 000 new homes by 2021 to keep up with current demand. 259 000 are on local authority waiting lists for housing.

We really need to be building a lot more than 133 000 by 2021, so that we can tackle the backlog, and build enough to avoid it increasing further still.


The Yorkshire Greenspace Alliance doesn't want new homes being built, it wishes to destroy the living standards of fellow Yorkshire people.




Campaigners fighting to save green space from the “predatory actions of developers” have formed a new Yorkshire alliance.


An inaugural meeting of the Yorkshire Greenspace Alliance was held in Rawdon on Saturday, September 28.


The alliance is the brainchild of a steering group with members from the Campaign to Protect Rural England, Wharfedale and Airedale Review Development and Kirklees Community Action Network.


New homes must be built, everybody needs decent housing. If the YGA is successful in opposing new housing, then new entrants to the housing market (young people and immigrants) will be put at severe disadvantage.


If the YGA wish to protect green space, then they must lead by example. They should move to bedsits in urban areas, demolish their homes etc.


They should not be able to oppose decent housing for others, whilst living in decent housing themselves.


The YGA should be ignored by councils, unless it's members put themselves in the position of new entrants to the market, they should not be allowed to exert control over the market for their own private gain, at the expense of others.

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A Yorkshire group seeks to destroy the living standards of Yorkshire people.


Government estimates show that Yorkshire needs 133 000 new homes by 2021 to keep up with current demand. 259 000 are on local authority waiting lists for housing.

We really need to be building a lot more than 133 000 by 2021, so that we can tackle the backlog, and build enough to avoid it increasing further still.


The Yorkshire Greenspace Alliance doesn't want new homes being built, it wishes to destroy the living standards of fellow Yorkshire people.






New homes must be built, everybody needs decent housing. If the YGA is successful in opposing new housing, then new entrants to the housing market (young people and immigrants) will be put at severe disadvantage.


If the YGA wish to protect green space, then they must lead by example. They should move to bedsits in urban areas, demolish their homes etc.


They should not be able to oppose decent housing for others, whilst living in decent housing themselves.


The YGA should be ignored by councils, unless it's members put themselves in the position of new entrants to the market, they should not be allowed to exert control over the market for their own private gain, at the expense of others.


Yeah! Lets concrete over the Peak District or better still, turn it into a shanty town or subsistance farms etc etc etc etc ad infinitum mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa.



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