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How many of you have been abducted by aliens?

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Originally posted by Callassa

Dumb. Unless someone who makes such a claim can produce verifiable evidence all you have is talk. No one ever, no matter what their claims be can satisfy this (evidence) requirement. All these claims are myth, lies and relatives of delusion. There is a guy in Canada at the moment (UFO Land et al), who claims he was abducted. It's not the lying crap that is bothersome, it's the believers.


Oh, dear! I didn't mean to upset anyone! I wish I had more proof of my abductions, but all I can do is tell it like it was, which I have up to now.


However, I will endeavour to carry my camera around with me more often in the hope that the next time I am snatched away from this planet, I might get a nice little souvenir snap of some of my captors and, may I add, friends.


They did treat me to a nice little surprise last time they abducted me. They took me into the future to see the 2107 FA cup final at New Wembley between Manchester United and Arsenal in which Zakkie Bryton scored all three of Arsenal's goals to help them lift the trophy for a record 56th time. It finished 3-1 with World Footballer of the year Ziggy Dewsnap bagging United's consolation goal from the penalty spot.


And the pies were lovely, and a bargain at only 250 Euros each.


I do have the programme for the match but you'll just say I printed it myself, I know your type.

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If you are really interested in meeting aliens...



(apologies for the reprise)

Originally posted by Oblomov on http://www.dmt.lycaeum.org



These 3 experiences were remarkably similar :

going from abstract eidetic CEV (closed eye visuals) into the familiar rotating and locking planes that then do this wierd *rotation* and I'm through into 'Flatworld' a multi-D space with vibrant but not glaring colours.


Boxy, rectilinear, tron like - all surfaces composed of convolving glyphs and symbols, which on closer inspection are multilayered. Very beatific/peaceful.


Excursion 3 sees me smoothly moving through 'tronworld' into 'the kindergarten' - All much more curvy and brighly lit, large open structures moving through a vast space, and I am in/on one . Surface of this 'kindergarten ship' is again convolving glyphs and symbols, but much more multicoloured and intricate. Surface is studded with fantastically intricate animated ovoids that are constantlychanging and clamouring for my focus. Sensation of other entities there, slightly disappointed that I 'dont get it' - I feel a bit stupid, but it's no biggie.


Then last night. Well......

The usual start, rushing flow of eidetic images unfolding into this space, but I am still accelerating......


Into tronworld, but I am saying, 'seen this, interesting and pretty, but let's get on'.


Just as well, because looking back at it, I was powerless to resist the acceleration. Shot through and out of tronland into Kindergarten space (these are precisely the same places I saw in the last 3 excursions), but only for a moment, before being propelled into...


... the machine room. It's loud and hectic, everything is moving so fast, and its so bright and clear, sharper than reality you might say. My whole 'visual' field is flooding in as an entire gestalt. I am utterly disoriented, not frightened, but hanging on to my somatic reality as hard as I can. Two entities in the machine room (machines themsleves?) are being very persistent in trying to communicate important things to me, but I am confused, disoriented -


Everything is SO COMPLICATED! The entities are large, part machine things. Their surface is made from a grid/matrix of flattened spheres, metallic in appeareance but UTTERLY OTHER AND UNFAMILIAR.


Their whole surface is made up of thousands of these spheres, some in a partial casing as if on gimbals, others free floating. Interior of entity is suffused cloud of light, pulsing colours in synch with its intent/actions.


I can feel some nausea in the pit of my stomache (lack of food, hunger) - I indicate my overwhelmedness to my new friends, and my intention toopen my eyes. all hell breaks loose! Alarms Klaxons, lots of red warning glyphs everywhere. The surfaces of the entities light up (GOD ITS SO BRIGHT) telling me (not ordering me) that to do so would be inadvisable.


Open my eyes. living room is still there, but only just. machine room is there too - brain hurts from seeing two realities simultaneously and eyes go closed. Gradually I get the message. Your autonomic system will take care of everything, don't worry.


Become conscious of my breathing and start to try and take control of it.

More klaxons, red alert symbols. Enities try and show me (using stuff that looks like its from Kindergarten space) a device that is monitoring/controlling respiratory function. It looks like a diagrammatic representation of a trachea on a passively illumintade display. It is moving and it holds my gaze solid in the same way as happens in 'kindergarten'


I keep thinking that this must be over soon, it's been ages. I start to calm down and all I can do is gawp like a country cousin. Everything is moving fast with a real smooth motion, stuff happening everywhere, superfast machine noises and sussurration. Very Exciting


Whole experience starts to take on much less frightening inetnsity although the machine room is still there (still there? shouldnt this have worn off minutes ago?) Everything is much calmer (but still utterly baffling). I am smiling a lot now, realising that I had my jaw tightly clenched. Smiling illuminates the space with a warm friendly feeling. 'OK' I say, 'that was a bit mad' - 'Yes' is the reply hangin in the air.

I feel a sense of concern, and a sort of head patting affection for frightened child... and then I'm pushing back to the surface and reality asserts itself with me thinking I am going to have to do this again, and echoes of agreement are heard back in the machine room.


I have given a lot of time to mulling over the question of the entities encountered in this induced state of mind . Until now they had always been mere suggestions of what I met last night. Like they were cloaking themselves in visual terms I could understand, but last night, all the coating was stripped away.

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I think they were the same mob that nabbed me the second time around, which was just over two years before the first abduction


Hey it looks like you were taken by the same race as my mate Billy Pilgrim. He was taken to Tralfamadore.


(Anybody know what I'm talking about?)

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

but the above experience was induced by controlled inhalation of an endogenous neurotransmitter known as dimthelytryptamine.


Sh*t, i must have dyslexia. none of those words make sense to me.

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

The first time I was abducted, it was on that dark country lane near the old Harrow pub that goes down past that golf club to the traffic lights at the junction with Sheffield Road.


I don't know the name of the road.


it was pitch black. Suddenly a fierce, piercing light came down from the empty sky and I stopped the car. I felt myself being willed to get out of the car. I felt no fear. I stood in the middle of the road and watched as the strange craft, about the size of a bus but slightly bigger, landed in the field opposite.


I flet the urge to go over to it. The door opened as I neared and I went in.


Quite willingly.


:wow: WOW Aliens driving interstellar buses. (or should that be into Stella?)


SAM did they do anal probing on you? , coz they can get a tad upset if you don't have the correct change you know.



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I certainly cannot recall any such anal probing, but I can't rule it out 100%. Yes, I do believe it was some kind of alien bus or public vehicle insomuch that the seats were set out in two double rows.


Every seat was taken and I was forced to stand during our short journey to the Fathership which was orbitting the Earth in readiness for our return.


This is when any probing of an anal nature could have so easily taken place without my noticing, as the seated aliens had both access and sufficient time to perform their lewd experiments.


It was amazing. It really was. Planet Earth was blue, and there was nothing I could do.

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

I certainly cannot recall any such anal probing, but I can't rule it out 100%. Yes, I do believe it was some kind of alien bus or public vehicle insomuch that the seats were set out in two double rows.

Buses eh...? The Jesus Army keep trying to abduct me and get me on their bus! Maybe the JA are aliens!!! Or maybe I just look sinful and therefore need saving :wink::loopy:


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No, this certainly wasn't the Jesus Army - it was a group of aliens, watching over me and possibly doing unspeakable experiments up my bum as I was being transported to the Fathership for further experimentation and (although I didn't know it then)interstellar travel.


As the craft parted the ground in a rocking, hovering motion, I looked out of the tiny window to my left, and for a split second, I could see my Auntie Ethel's house on Occupation Lane. Her washing was out.


We acheived escape velocity both easily and smoothly and within seconds the Earth's atmosphere was behind us. The Fathership became bigger by the second. It was both massive and enormous. As big as a city. Fear drained form my body.


I wanted this experience now. I was ready. Reach for the stars, I muttered loudly. I was on my way!

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  • 6 years later...

Well, US Pres Carter believed in them?


As did Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip and his equerry, Air Marshal Sir Beresford Peter Torrington Horsley KCB, CBE, LVO, AFC (26 March 1921 – 20 December 2001), who also believed that Princess Diana was murdered by the use of 'Boston Brakes'





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