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Red Cross Food Campaign in Struggling UK

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Bizarre. Have you got a link.


Ed Davey, the Lib Dem Energy Secretary said omething along those lines, it was some months ago. Sounds quite feasable to me, we do have the third lowest prices in the EU, and free insulation for anyone on benefits, even working tax credits.

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It's quite stunning that people absolutely refuse to believe that pensioners have trouble affording to heat their homes. In an economic environment where fuel inflation is triple the official inflation figure, where food price inflation is nearly double the headline rate of inflation and where pensioners' incomes are not rising in line with price rises where is the extra money for them to heat their homes supposed to come from?


We also have people saying that old people don't die because of the cold. If so, why are they targeted in the first place for extra help with heating costs?

There are some very callous, shameful posters on here would rather show their preference no to care about or help the needy in our country.

I just hope that if some do fall upon hard times it will be these people with their uncaring we'll just argue for the sake of it attitude and let's see how they bleat then.


---------- Post added 13-10-2013 at 21:53 ----------


If the weather gets colder, homes if not heated will be colder too, as will the people in them.


No straw man, just responses to posts that seek to blame the imagined failings of individuals for society's problems..


There are some very uncaring selfish people on this topic who aren't shamed by the news that food banks are to be set up in England by the RED Cross whilst we give away £Billions in Overseas Aid as thousands of our pensioners die through the cold in winter.

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There are some very callous, shameful posters on here would rather show their preference no to care about or help the needy in our country.

I just hope that if some do fall upon hard times it will be these people with their uncaring we'll just argue for the sake of it attitude and let's see how they bleat then.


The needy in our country are helped and if they weren't there'd be a lot more soup kitchens and homelessness.

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not if they cant afford to put the heating on :roll:

Oh but they are rich they're loaded according to some on here and if they're not its their own fault.


---------- Post added 13-10-2013 at 21:57 ----------


The needy in our country are helped and if they weren't there'd be a lot more soup kitchens and homelessness.


So why are food banks being set up whilst we give away £Billions in overseas aid?

Why are pensioners dying in their thousand due to the cold winters?:suspect:

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Does this mean you think that the payment should go up for everyone


No I don't, iv said on most posts about people facing hardship/poverty and they are the ones I mean.....some people of pensionable age are very well off so therefore aren't facing the concerns of paying higher fuel bills or deciding whether to eat or be warm

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Oh but they are rich they're loaded according to some on here and if they're not its their own fault.



So why are food banks being set up whilst we give away £Billions in overseas aid?

Why are pensioners dying in their thousand due to the cold winters?:suspect:


Avoiding responding to facts then, and just carrying on posting nonsense?


And you just keep adding more... who's mentioned the rich now?


Read that report that Andy posted, you might learn something other that what you read in the Daily Mail.


---------- Post added 13-10-2013 at 22:05 ----------


Does this mean you think that the payment should go up for everyone


No I don't, iv said on most posts about people facing hardship/poverty and they are the ones I mean.....some people of pensionable age are very well off so therefore aren't facing the concerns of paying higher fuel bills or deciding whether to eat or be warm


You mean that you prefer means testing, or do you know another way?


I said earlier that some kind of redistribution of the funds would be preferable, but other than means testing, I can't think of any other way.


Tory suggested people being able to turn it down rather than it be paid out directly, but the lefties didn't like that idea.


give it another year bf and we will be seeing more of them :suspect:


Predictions again ricgem? Hmmm riots? I remember those predictions.


I'll show you a good prediction: next year, you will still be writing a load of balls in here :hihi::hihi:

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So why are food banks being set up whilst we give away £Billions in overseas aid?
Why are you conflating two unrelated issues? Don't believe if there was no provision for overseas aid that there wouldnt be food banks, if anything there'd be a reduction in taxation.


The domestic welfare budget runs into billions..many taxpayers regard it as unnecessary spending and it's recipients feckless wastrels, do you think there'd be any appetite in increasing the spend on benefits?


Why are pensioners dying in their thousand due to the cold winters?:suspect:


What are you suggesting, sending all pensioners to the tropics during the winter months? Do you think it would materially affect their mortality? What about giving them unlimited funds above the existing payments for winter fuel allowance?


---------- Post added 13-10-2013 at 22:10 ----------


give it another year bf and we will be seeing more of them :suspect:


..and the welfare spend aint going to increase anytime soon ricgem

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