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Red Cross Food Campaign in Struggling UK

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Aren't you concerned about the deaths of elderly UK people due to being unable to afford heating in the winter? And all because our governments would rather give away the money that would save these poor elderly needy UK citizens in Overseas Aid which it seems you prefer.

isnt it the fault of greedy utility companies leeching us dry rather than the government??

we can look forward to yet another price rise (as they warn us their might be blackouts during coming winters..........as they scare us into accepting new price rises)

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The Red Cross in the UK are starting Food Banks for the UK needy/poor who can't afford food.


This must surely vindicate hero/patriot Godfrey Bloom who says overseas aid is illegal whilst we leave our own to starve and freeze to death in the winter.


Remember 9 UK pensioners died per hour in a recent winter.

Do your sums and work out just how many pensioners our government allowed to die in a recent winter whilst giving these pensioners money away on misguided overseas aid.


Thats only 788,840 assuming 9 die every hour of every day, and they will be replaced by the 813,200 babies that were born in 2012. If they didn't die we would soon be over run with people.


---------- Post added 11-10-2013 at 17:52 ----------


In a recent winter?


Which one was it? And what were the correct figures for people who starved or froze to death?


All rhetorical btw. Someone posted that link the other week. And it was n't our government. (The current ones)


Probably 2010


Nine pensioners died from cold EVERY HOUR last winter as bill prices soar


More than 300,000 UK pensioners have died of cold related illnesses since 1997.


Its appears though that they died because of the cold and flu virus, not because they were cold.

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Aren't you concerned about the deaths of elderly UK people due to being unable to afford heating in the winter?


Of course I am, but you quoting misleading information isn't going to help them.



Anyway, back on topic. I think many people's inability to cook and consequent reliance on more expensive processed food contributes massively to this problem. Teaching cookery should definitely be reintroduced to schools, for all pupils this time not just the girls, and some scheme so teach adults who need them basic cooking skills should be introduced as well.

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Of course I am, but you quoting misleading information isn't going to help them.



Anyway, back on topic. I think many people's inability to cook and consequent reliance on more expensive processed food contributes massively to this problem. Teaching cookery should definitely be reintroduced to schools, for all pupils this time not just the girls, and some scheme so teach adults who need them basic cooking skills should be introduced as well.


I've just priced up the cost of a weeks food for me whilst getting some milk etc. Assuming I eat the cheapest, boringest own label stuff possible whilst still maintaining a sensible balanced diet it came to about £23


Tesco has a neat meal planner that picks cheap stuff and in season stuff automagically for you as well.. http://realfood.tesco.com/meal-planner/create-meal-plan.html


As for cookery I agree. I get Scouts join my troop that can't boil an egg and aren't allowed in the kitchen because knives are dangerous.... sigh...



Assuming you can cope with a lot of swede,

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Of course I am, but you quoting misleading information isn't going to help them.



Anyway, back on topic. I think many people's inability to cook and consequent reliance on more expensive processed food contributes massively to this problem. Teaching cookery should definitely be reintroduced to schools, for all pupils this time not just the girls, and some scheme so teach adults who need them basic cooking skills should be introduced as well.


I agree some of the problems of people struggling, is a reliance on more expensive processed food.


However the desire to eat healthily is definitely there. Years ago I was involved in a mobile greengrocers that would go to communities whose residents were struggling and sell fruit and veg that were cheaper than supermarkets. We grossly underestimated the popularity of the scheme.

It occured to me at the time how isolated many of the beneficiaries were; that in years gone by many would live near their families, and could rely on Mum for advice on how to cook.

But for a number of reasons our society has changed and people's circumstances have changed.


I like the idea of cooking classes for adults as well. Often people only begin to truly learn when they have to. But one problem is there used to be lots of community education offering a wide variety of courses, now there is virtaully none. Even in the 1980s adult education was thriving, now FE just seems to be about 16-19 year olds. :mad:

But such courses must be non stigmatising, I wonder if some people forgo using food banks because as a society we seem far more willing to point the finger at people who find themselves up the creek, and they don't want to be humiliated.

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Excuse me, but this is not the sort of thing any self respecting tabloid reader should take seriously.


Jobs are increasing, wages are starting to go up, the house prices are rising, things are looking up, and the scroungers are being flogged to work, so the RED Cross are obviously just a bunch of commies trying to stir up trouble.


We are a prosperous nation, paying our way in the world, I mean paying off the banks correctly, having a war here, and a war there, making more terrorists to justify more spending on security, getting more nukes for them beings from outer space, as one never knows, and cannot be too careful.


ECCONOOB... its not nine people that die from the cold each year its 30-35,000 within the space of a very cold snap, so forget helping the neighbors out, get a shovel and get digging.

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Excuse me, but this is not the sort of thing any self respecting tabloid reader should take seriously.


Jobs are increasing, wages are starting to go up, the house prices are rising, things are looking up, and the scroungers are being flogged to work, so the RED Cross are obviously just a bunch of commies trying to stir up trouble.


We are a prosperous nation, paying our way in the world, I mean paying off the banks correctly, having a war here, and a war there, making more terrorists to justify more spending on security, getting more nukes for them beings from outer space, as one never knows, and cannot be too careful.


ECCONOOB... its not nine people that die from the cold each year its 30-35,000 within the space of a very cold snap, so forget helping the neighbors out, get a shovel and get digging.


I never said that but well done for clarifying anyway.

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2009 according to that. Which is what Peer still won't acknowledge as being false posting.


You don't seem to care that this government gives away £Billions in overseas aid and accommodates illegal immigrants for free whilst many of our own elderly, vulnerable people die because they can't afford heating bills and many families are living on the bread line to the point where the Red Cross cross are opening food banks for *_British citizens_* due to the austerity conditionswhilst overseas aid rolls on.


Check my posts, I never once mentioned overseas aid, never once mentioned illegal immigrants (in fact neither did you!, you are just adding things), never once said I was happy to see old people die, need I go on?




Since you mention overseas aid. how do you feel about the Red Cross working in the following countries:

















Sierra Leone

South Africa










Rather than the negative slant on this by the OP, I think it's good that the Red Cross is helping.

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When I was a kid and went shopping with my mum, I sometimes used to persuade her to buy a tin of dog food to put in the collection bin for the pound.


I never thought I would find myself being asked to buy food to put in a collection bin to feed my fellow human beings.


What a sad, sad state of affairs.

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Why do you keep posting that same line.


Elderly people have a winter fuel allowance each and every year. Our taxes go to pay towards the costs of their heating each and every year.


Winter fuel allowance is not means tested and it is paid in cash. You can spend it on whatever you want.


Elderly people have a means tested leccy allowance that £120-130 and paid in cash to their electricity provider.

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