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Red Cross Food Campaign in Struggling UK

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Aren't you capable of looking it up as I did?


Anybody looking that would see that it didn't support your claim that 9 pensioners died per hour because they were unable to afford heating so how could they be sure that was what the source of your 'information'?

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But it's an understandable state of affairs with people on here quite happy for these conditions to exist.

I think that it is shameful that some members choose to be in denial about something as disgusting as food banks this country, whilst we give £Billions away in overseas aid of which most is milked of due to corruption.


I think it's shameful that you're trying to use this thread about a serious issue to garner support for your xenophobic agenda.


I have said that I agree that the need for food banks in the UK is a disgrace. I have not said that overseas aid is a disgrace. There is a place for both. Feeding our own hungry would not cost much money and would not mean that we would have to stop spending money on development projects overseas.


As for your "hero" - well if you are a xenophobic and sexist individual then I can understand why you'd worship Godfrey Bloom, but fortunately most people's viewpoints have moved on since the 1930s.

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Yes we fund terrorism in Syria, play war games in Africa and Asia, throwing money around like it just printed out of paper, fight illegal wars, prop up dictatorships in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, while selling them ways to repress their populations, soon off to buy Trident a tool we could never use ever.


You forget we the British have always regarded our own as cannon fodder, and we love to kill our own through neglect, its fun and no-one is ever to blame.


Wake up, who the hell do you think runs the country, the GOVERNMENT? Who do you think tells the government which policies to follow, what laws to create and the rest of the legal, social, educational, and economic structures?


By the way its not the tabloids either they are the mouthpiece of corporate inerests but you knew that anyway.


It seems Peer gyt you know as much about corruption as you know about what is going on. I suggest more tabloids!

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Thank you for finally giving us a reference; wouldn't it have been nice if the OP had given us this to start with!


It's from the Daily Wail - it's not a reference it's a cheap piece of tramp "journalism" that's uncited and unsupported. They took the official ONS figures (that I listed above) and with a bit of handwaving, spun the usual winter mortality figures from influenza etc into "dying of cold".


"The simple fact that the UK has one of the highest winter mortality rates in Europe" - it doesnt. We are in the middle of the figures. But the Wail never cared about verification at all. Then you get feckless fools on here hijacking it for their own axe to grind.....

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I watched an interview on the news couple of days ago re the price hikes on energy company's, the old guy in his 80's said he puts his heating on for 1 hour twice a day to try to keep warm, any more than that he wouldn't be able to afford so therefore worrying that when prices go up he will either have to do without heating or not being able to buy enough food as he barely affords both as it is, this is a disgusting state of affairs in 2013 in a supposidly civilised nation. Why can't elderly ppl with a low income get their energy half price so it's not so much of a concern for them, surely being warm and having enough food to eat should be a basic right and not a decision they should have to make because of price hikes

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I watched an interview on the news couple of days ago re the price hikes on energy company's, the old guy in his 80's said he puts his heating on for 1 hour twice a day to try to keep warm, any more than that he wouldn't be able to afford so therefore worrying that when prices go up he will either have to do without heating or not being able to buy enough food as he barely affords both as it is, this is a disgusting state of affairs in 2013 in a supposidly civilised nation. Why can't elderly ppl with a low income get their energy half price so it's not so much of a concern for them, surely being warm and having enough food to eat should be a basic right and not a decision they should have to make because of price hikes


I'm sorry I don't buy that first bit (although I believe you watched the news;)). He will get a £200 heating allowance. He can get free loft insulation. I don't think my gas bill isnt much over £200 and I have it on for than two hours a day plus hot water. If he is only heating his house for two hours a day he isn't using all his heating allowance. He can't be.



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There is no way his energy costs will be more than his winter allowance at that, unless he's just venting all his gas out the window. It's fear of getting a big bill that stops people from turning the heating on, rather than being genuinely unable to afford it.

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He did say that he tapes sheets of plastic across his windows to stop heat escaping, I still think with the Huge profits these company's make annually.


5% net for most.


No different to any other big company really.


They make £100 net profit off every customer. I'm happy with paying £100 profit to a company that positively afffects something in my every day life (i.e. hot water and heating) (well, my heating is bust at the mo, but no fault of energy company!)


Perhaps you could look at something else in the price? Tax? Green tax? Have a look at the breakdown of the company accounts/HMRC if you don't believe me

they could offer energy to the elderly at a lower cost


Energy IS offered at a lower price to the elderly. £200 in WFA. One of the better things that Labour brought in. I agreed with it.

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