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What Makes You Happy?

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Well, is it money, wealth, power, ego, mind games, chivalry, helping others or being praised.


What about the love of a close one, what about people alone and isolated, can lonely people be happy?


I am into my history and like to watch documentaries about other cultures, some people live extremely poorly with barely enough clothes and live quite literally with nature, yet they live like kings with very little resources and forage for food in simple yet inspiring ways, life always finds a way.


I only ask this as you see celebrities who have everything, good looks, fame, money, possessions yet they spend half their lives in rehab and are always going from one damaging relationship to another, it is a default behaviour for some and some even end their lives, like Elvis, Bruce Lee and more recently Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.


I live alone and have a raft of mental health problems let alone broken connections with families and friends so am at the point of no return with things at times, I have my own place and do my best to get on, but because my families and friends treat others far better than me, sometimes I feel better off dead.


But without going in to too much detail, I hurt a lot at home on my own and become very bitter about things and have a lot of weight on my shoulders, like a monkey on my back, struggle to make lasting relationships and always seem to fail with people or situations, I keep moving forward and hoping life will work itself out, but hoping against hope is a natural trait which seems to inflict most human beings in their lives.

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Well, is it money, wealth, power, ego, mind games, chivalry, helping others or being praised.


What about the love of a close one, what about people alone and isolated, can lonely people be happy?


I am into my history and like to watch documentaries about other cultures, some people live extremely poorly with barely enough clothes and live quite literally with nature, yet they live like kings with very little resources and forage for food in simple yet inspiring ways, life always finds a way.


I only ask this as you see celebrities who have everything, good looks, fame, money, possessions yet they spend half their lives in rehab and are always going from one damaging relationship to another, it is a default behaviour for some and some even end their lives, like Elvis, Bruce Lee and more recently Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.


I live alone and have a raft of mental health problems let alone broken connections with families and friends so am at the point of no return with things at times, I have my own place and do my best to get on, but because my families and friends treat others far better than me, sometimes I feel better off dead.


But without going in to too much detail, I hurt a lot at home on my own and become very bitter about things and have a lot of weight on my shoulders, like a monkey on my back, struggle to make lasting relationships and always seem to fail with people or situations, I keep moving forward and hoping life will work itself out, but hoping against hope is a natural trait which seems to inflict most human beings in their lives.


Waking up daily, seeing our grandchildren & our kids also; & their partners, make the best of what I have and enjoy each day.

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Well, is it money, wealth, power, ego, mind games, chivalry, helping others or being praised.


What about the love of a close one, what about people alone and isolated, can lonely people be happy?


I am into my history and like to watch documentaries about other cultures, some people live extremely poorly with barely enough clothes and live quite literally with nature, yet they live like kings with very little resources and forage for food in simple yet inspiring ways, life always finds a way.


I only ask this as you see celebrities who have everything, good looks, fame, money, possessions yet they spend half their lives in rehab and are always going from one damaging relationship to another, it is a default behaviour for some and some even end their lives, like Elvis, Bruce Lee and more recently Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.


I live alone and have a raft of mental health problems let alone broken connections with families and friends so am at the point of no return with things at times, I have my own place and do my best to get on, but because my families and friends treat others far better than me, sometimes I feel better off dead.


But without going in to too much detail, I hurt a lot at home on my own and become very bitter about things and have a lot of weight on my shoulders, like a monkey on my back, struggle to make lasting relationships and always seem to fail with people or situations, I keep moving forward and hoping life will work itself out, but hoping against hope is a natural trait which seems to inflict most human beings in their lives.

It's probably little consolation to you Bedrock, but your posts on here and elsewhere always manage to give me a bit of a chuckle.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your contributions.


Sadly, there are few people on forums that acknowledge the efforts made by others to entertain them.


All the best,

Mr Bloke :thumbsup:

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Well, is it money, wealth, power, ego, mind games, chivalry, helping others or being praised.


What about the love of a close one, what about people alone and isolated, can lonely people be happy?



One of the very few books that I have attemped to read is, Affluenza by Oliver James.




I too could be much happier, I may get there one day.

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I believe that you can be happy by yourself...you just need to be at peace with who you are...take advantage of the fact that it's just you, you can please yourself and don't have to give a second thought to anyone else!


I am happily married, but a lot of things I enjoy are things I do on my own time...I love sticking my headphones in and going for long hikes, I love vegging out on the sofa all day with a good book or a box-set of DVD's, and I LOVE holidays abroad...lazing around on a sun lounger with an endless supply of pina colada is just my idea of heaven!


In fact any activity that allows me to switch off and forget all about the day-to-day drama of life makes me happy!

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Funnily enough i was thinking about this today. I don't think anything makes me really happy.


I don't hate my job, I get a certain amount of enjoyment from the telly, I do laugh at stuff. I have one or two other hobbies I enjoy but don't do them as much because of time restrictions mainly but other times I think "can I be arsed?"


I can't think of the last time I was properly, punch-the-air-with-joy, happy. I don't think it's in me any more.

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