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Dressing children according to Islam.

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Are Religion and Education mutually exclusive?

Religion involves a certain amount of unquestioning belief.

Education involves questioning everything.


If the above is true.

The USA and France? got it right and banned all religions from schools.

I think that we would be better off if it was.

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Never has a truer word been said my friend. I hope more people can make the leap to see this, but so many of them will not think for themselves, preferring the cosy and unchallenging place that is afforded by submitting to the loudest voices.


And who does the thinking on your behalf?

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Can children be informed and willing Muslims?

What does that have to do with my question?

Infact the process of female genetal mutilation doesnt 'affect' atheists either, so maybe (some) Muslims should be allowed to do that too. How about stoning people to death, or Sharia Law? Maybe we should just let them get on with what they want under the protective shield of religious freedom.

What are you talking about? Nobody has tried justifying anything just because it doesn't affect atheists, I (and Halibut) merely questioned how Muslim dress code can affect atheists, in response to this post...

ban all religous dress and emlems,treat all as equals and let us athiests go in peace.
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What does that have to do with my question?


What are you talking about? Nobody has tried justifying anything just because it doesn't affect atheists, I (and Halibut) merely questioned how Muslim dress code can affect atheists, in response to this post...


halibut did exactly that:


That's a different question. How does Muslim children's dress code affect atheists - or indeed anyone?


Implying that Muslim childrens' dress code does not affect atheists. My example also does not affect atheists, but that does not make it right now does it.

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halibut did exactly that:




Implying that Muslim childrens' dress code does not affect atheists. My example also does not affect atheists, but that does not make it right now does it.

It's not implying anything, it's the same question I asked. Do you have an answer for it?
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