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Sisters must receive MMR vaccine

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it sort of is, has been for decades, its only quite recently idiots have been saying no due to very slight risks, why do you think we no longer get diseases like we used to?


I believe it is in the USA, but not here in the UK. But even in the USA children need to be vacinated before attending school, but there are many exceptions, so the take-up rate is no better than here in the UK. So you or the law cannot force people to do things that they dont want to do.

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children have the right to healthcare even if their parents are nutcase hippies, religious freaks, alcoholics, mentally ill...............a parent has the right to put themself at risk of harm but not the kids, they are the responsibility of the entire state & it's proper that the state intervenes. I remember the jehova's witness fruitcakes who wouldn't let their dying child have a blood transfusion - no problem, care order, blood transfusion - cured kid.

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Its has still got to be implemented, what ever the law says.


So the mother chooses to risk prosecution for Contempt of Court.


It could be an expensive mistake.


This is more to do with the power games between divorced couples than to do with what is best for the children.


The older child has already received her first vaccination, while the couple were still married. She still needs the booster.

The younger child has received neither.

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The older child has already received her first vaccination, while the couple were still married. She still needs the booster. The younger child has received neither.


There are also many families that come into this country that have had very few vacinations; perhaps we should have the Gastapo at the airport with MMR vacines?

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There are also many families that come into this country that have had very few vacinations; perhaps we should have the Gastapo at the airport with MMR vacines?

funnily enough i should imagine theres extra support for these types of people, including having health matters help to explain what they can and should get done

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There are also many families that come into this country that have had very few vacinations; perhaps we should have the Gastapo at the airport with MMR vacines?



..... and your reason for quoting a post of mine in connection with your nonsense is ... ????


You started this thread by making an inflammatory, incorrect claim.

Not the first time though. Is it?

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There are also many families that come into this country that have had very few vacinations; perhaps we should have the Gastapo at the airport with MMR vacines?


Maybe we should. Immigration, and indeed just to travel to and from foreign parts, poses a risk of importing disease into the country. Why shouldn't measures be taken to prevent this? I see no reason why vaccination shouldn't be a prerequisite for admission to the country. Indeed some countries already do this, for example some countries require an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) for yellow fever as a requirement for entry.



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..... and your reason for quoting a post of mine in connection with your nonsense is ... ????



Your arguement is that these few children that are not vacinated will iffect others, but there are many more people not vacinated coming into this country from within and outside the EU, including these two children.

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