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Nick Griffin despised but Muhamad Ali revered!

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Pretty straightforward really; Ali was a truly great sportsman who made those comments at the height of his association with the nation of Islam. He's rightly regarded as an excellent human being for many reasons.


Griffin is a man of no talent other than fermenting nastiness whose whole raison detre is racism.

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Nick Griffin and the like get derided for these views but Muhamad Ali doesn't. Go figure. http://youtu.be/fi6fvwxB2Bg


Ali was well known to be quite racist. Its his fame and his public relations team that meant he could get away with it. Occasionally though his mask did slip but the public in their wisdom forgave him.

He was an outstanding boxer for his time but his views were highly questionable.

Griffin is a racist through and through and his views are all about hate and division. I love everyone but Nick griffin is certainly an exception.

Hes horrible.

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i think the point is................racism isnt just restricted to one type of person (despite what the likes of the op like to espouse)

even people in the public eye / sport / music etc can be racist, look at the leaked bnp memberslist, there was a ballerina on there :P


the thing is Ali is revered for his boxing skills / achievements NOT because of his thoughts / politics

Griffin is ONLY known for politics

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Nick Griffin and the like get derided for these views but Muhamad Ali doesn't. Go figure. http://youtu.be/fi6fvwxB2Bg


Its because only white people can be racist. We all know that.


---------- Post added 12-10-2013 at 16:08 ----------


Pretty straightforward really; Ali was a truly great sportsman who made those comments at the height of his association with the nation of Islam. He's rightly regarded as an excellent human being for many reasons.


Griffin is a man of no talent other than fermenting nastiness whose whole raison detre is racism.


So if Griffin went on to become the World Darts Champion you'd respect him for his talent?


PS. Apart from sport what other excellent human qualities did Ali have? I thought being a racist trumped any other human characteristic?

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Pretty straightforward really; Ali was a truly great sportsman who made those comments at the height of his association with the nation of Islam. He's rightly regarded as an excellent human being for many reasons.


Griffin is a man of no talent other than fermenting nastiness whose whole raison detre is racism.


So if I said.....


"We who don't follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad don't want to be forced to integrate with them. Integration is wrong. We don't want to live with the black man; that's all."

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Its because only white people can be racist. We all know that.
There's the old persecution complex again. Of course we all know racists come in all shapes, sizes and racial persuasions.

So if Griffin went on to become the World Darts Champion you'd respect him for his talent?


PS. Apart from sport what other excellent human qualities did Ali have? I thought being a racist trumped any other human characteristic?


It's really about historical context rather than Ali's wider achievements. Ali grew up in a racially divided country where blacks were second class citizens and as he rather eloquently pointed out could fight and die for their country but still had to sit at the back of the bus.


Whilst his observations about race appear anachronistic now, he could be forgiven for making them when he did. Oppression drives people towards extremism and polarised views.


Parkinson's enquiry is full of clarity but Ali's myopia fails to see any compromise because his experiences dictate otherwise.


The public school and Oxbridge educated Nick Griffin hasn't experienced the life Ali had yet sees his 'race' as being put upon and repressed which clearly isn't the case when indigenous whites have the majority of wealth and political power. If Ali made the statements now that he did back in the 70's he'd be similarly vilified.

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