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Nick Griffin despised but Muhamad Ali revered!

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Haha..you believe there's some moral imperative homing in on the contributions of other posters when you haven't anything to say about the OP?


In order to believe the evidence in front of your eyes you really need to take the blindfold off and read what posters actually say, not what you want them to say.


I've read the posts in a balanced manner. I can deplore Griffin and Ali. That's the difference between us. You'll devote your entire day trying to defend racism if the skin colour of the racist matches yours.


Anyhow enjoy another day posting the same tosh. The only person you will convince is yourself.

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I've read the posts in a balanced manner. I can deplore Griffin and Ali. That's the difference between us.
That isn't in fact the difference between us because I deplore them both for statements they've made.


What he said was racist, but should he be judged against a contemporary backdrop or the historical one he made the statement in?


..and if you read my posts you'll see I do consider what he said racist


You'll devote your entire day trying to defend racism if the skin colour of the racist matches yours.

Even if that were the case, so what? Maybe you need to get over your obsession with me!


An earlier post debunking your assertion..


Just as an example, I certainly don't believe white racists in Zimbabwe are as bad as the black ones because it's the black ones in the shape of Mugabe and his acolytes who've been dispossessing and murdering people under the rule of law.


Anyhow enjoy another day posting the same tosh. The only person you will convince is yourself.

Thanks for that erudite contribution, does that mean you'll not be coming back? The forum equivalent of playing 'Kiss Catch' with one of the ugly sisters. :wave:
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Is he too left-wing for you? Ah, but then I remember the thread you started about the number of mosques in Rotherham in which you provided a link to the BNP website to support your argument. Your political track record is NF, Enoch Powell, BNP, UKIP and don't deny it.

I voted NF back way back when I was about 18,once,Iv never supported or voted BNP,I would never vote UKIP and Enoch Powell was correct ,I hope that clears your misguided idea that you know me up for good.You fail to comprehend my stance on immigration,I dont blame the people that benefit from it I blame the government for allowing the farce that it has become but more so the politically correct NIMBYS that blindly ,for fear of being stigmatised with the dreaded word,for the seemingly lack of capacity to think for themselves but follow others like sheep.

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I'll judge you by the way you home in on these threads and then devote several hours to your cause.

would we need to hone in on them if certain obsessed posters wernt obsessed on race and a certain style of religion? or dont they count for consistantly honing in on certain subjects?

this very thread is another very poor attempt at creating a race angle, admittedly that hasnt been done to death on here already. still poor tho trying to shoehorn two very different people from different continents, lifestyles and continents together to try and force another arguement (sorry debate) about race

but obviously its those that oppose it that are in the wrong.............always ;)

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.....Iv never supported or voted BNP,I would never vote UKIP and Enoch Powell was correct ....I blame.....the politically correct NIMBYS.........


You've never supported the BNP but you post on here links to their website in support of their campaign about mosques? Of course.


Enoch was correct? You mean you just don't like darkies. You're just one of those Alf Garnett-like working class Tories who do the dirty work for your masters.


Who are these NIMBYs? Most people who live near me are from Africa or Asia. Who are you talking about?

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Your point about there being no comparison between the two men in relation to their overall persona. This is true. But the thread is about perceptions of racism. ie why is some racist behaviour ignored? You seem to be saying that's its okay to be racist if you have other qualities as well.

No i'm not.

I'm pointing out that perceptions of racism were not viewed in quite the same way at that time as they are now.

If you've ever seen the film "Guess whose coming to dinner" with Sidney Poitier, where both sets of parents have a problem accepting a forthcoming interracial marriage, and how they manage to face and self- question those perceptions they hold with reconciliation, you will know what I mean.

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How do you feel about the racist attitudes of EDL supporters?






On the contrary, he was clearly wrong.


I wouldn't lump all the EDL together. There are some racists but others who are not.


Please can I borrow your crystal ball to see what happens in the future as a consequence of mass immigration.

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would we need to hone in on them if certain obsessed posters wernt obsessed on race and a certain style of religion? or dont they count for consistantly honing in on certain subjects?
Good point mel, but it's an observation that will go over the heads of most of them..it's almost always the gobfrothers who start threads of this nature.

this very thread is another very poor attempt at creating a race angle,

Spot on, if the OP was to have any credibility it should be comparing the public perception of a current black nationalist (say Mugabe) against a current white one (Griffin). That would explode the crass argument that some of us are less harsh on black racists than white ones.
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