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Nick Griffin despised but Muhamad Ali revered!

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I won't rise to your silly merry-go-round mind games. I am merely stating my observations of this thread which should help the flow of unbiased discussion of the OP.


So as I said let's hear your opinion, assuming your brief stint on my stationary merry go round hasn't left you dazed and confused.

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Why is anything he said racist? Did he say anything derogatory about any race? Or make claims of one race being superior to another?


The opinion that races shouldn't mix and inter-marry and have children might be distasteful, but it's not racist.

not to you and your ilk because you want the same....just the opposite :roll:

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Wow! I have to say that with all the hype about Mohammed Ali, I thought he was a decent man, if a bit stupid for boxing his brains to pulp! It's clear from that video that he was incredibly racist. Bleuch! :gag:


What he said was racist, but should he be judged against a contemporary backdrop or the historical one he made the statement in?


Churchill's revered as the finest Prime Minister this country ever had, but he had some very choice opinions on race and colonialism. Should he be despised because of it? Personally I don't think so.

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You have to look at Ali as a man of his time, He came into his own during that time when Southern America was in a fury over civil rights. He showed his right to be respected with his fists and incredible speed. He beat Liston, Frazier, and everybody he came up against. He almost didn't beat Cooper, and was man enough to praise Cooper, as the toughest he ever faced. He changed his name from Cassius Clay, and refused to fight in Vietnam in defiance of the Government. It was indeed racist, but he never did become hated by the white people. He had a great sense of humour, and got a lot of sympathy when he contracted Parkinson's from the brain injuries he got from fighting.

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Why is anything he said racist? Did he say anything derogatory about any race? Or make claims of one race being superior to another?


The opinion that races shouldn't mix and inter-marry and have children might be distasteful, but it's not racist.


I don't have a problem with anything Ali said in that clip I put up.

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