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Nick Griffin despised but Muhamad Ali revered!

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Youve been listening to a certain other poster too much..Iv never been a fan of Mr Griffin


Is he too left-wing for you? Ah, but then I remember the thread you started about the number of mosques in Rotherham in which you provided a link to the BNP website to support your argument. Your political track record is NF, Enoch Powell, BNP, UKIP and don't deny it.

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What is there to figure. I don't know how you can mention the two men in the same breath. Nick Griffin is a nonentity compared to Muhammed Ali.


In relation to your point about mixed relationships being frowned upon back then, there are still some who do not get involved with mixed marriages. For example how many Pakistani Muslim women, who are well represented in society, do you know in a relationship with a white none Muslim man?


Cue the apologists... its religion.... blar blar blar..... its cultural.... blar blar blar.


No its racist.


Your point about there being no comparison between the two men in relation to their overall persona. This is true. But the thread is about perceptions of racism. ie why is some racist behaviour ignored? You seem to be saying that its okay to be racist if you have other qualities as well.


Is he too left-wing for you? Ah, but then I remember the thread you started about the number of mosques in Rotherham in which you provided a link to the BNP website to support your argument. Your political track record is NF, Enoch Powell, BNP, UKIP and don't deny it.


Its a little unfair, not to mention a bit hysterical, to compare UKIP and Powel with the others. Powel and UKIP was / are not afraid of talking about issues that have been swept under the carpet for years by weak politicians afraid of the left wing gob frothers. That's you that is.


In relation to Powel its too early to say if he was right or wrong but it does look like we're heading in the wrong direction.

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Your point about there being no comparison between the two men in relation to their overall persona. This is true. But the thread is about perceptions of racism. ie why is some racist behaviour ignored? You seem to be saying that its okay to be racist if you have other qualities as well.



How do you feel about the racist attitudes of EDL supporters?




In relation to Powel its too early to say if he was right or wrong but it does look like we're heading in the wrong direction.


On the contrary, he was clearly wrong.

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But the thread is about perceptions of racism. ie why is some racist behaviour ignored? You seem to be saying that its okay to be racist if you have other qualities as well.
..and that I'm afraid along with historical context is the truth. If Ali (or Winston Churchill) spouted the nonsense they did in the past, now, they'd rightly be vilified.


You also need to bear in mind the emotional bank account. The public's affection for Ali is very much in the black (pardon the pun), so digressions from the likes of him can be tolerated moreso than they can with Griffin who's generally seen as an odious individual whose overdrawn.


You and others seem to be making much of the fact Ali got away with it because he's black, yet I remember Rev Al Sharpton being lambasted for making similar comments more recently, I guess he isn't held positively in the public affection-just like Griffin.

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Its a little unfair, not to mention a bit hysterical, to compare UKIP and Powel with the others. Powel and UKIP was / are not afraid of talking about issues that have been swept under the carpet for years by weak politicians afraid of the left wing gob frothers. That's you that is.


In relation to Powel its too early to say if he was right or wrong but it does look like we're heading in the wrong direction.


Immigration hasn't been swept under the carpet. Successive governments have openly welcomed migrants into the UK. It's not as if the last Labour government tried to hide its policy on immigration. UKIP doesn't oppose immigration by the way.


When Powell was in the Eden cabinet in the 50s he welcomed migrants. He didn't make his Rivers Of Blood speech for another 10 years. Heath decided straight away he was wrong and sacked him from the shadow cabinet. The BNP had him on one of their t-shirts a couple of years ago. Glamrocker - former NF voter - had him as his signature. Jeffrey Shaw said on here he wasn't racist but someone who is revered by the BNP and NF clearly is.

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Don't be putting your house on it, you'll end up homeless.


(CLUE-read my comment re Churchill in post 58 )


I'll place my bets based on the evidence of my eyes and not your attempts to try to appear racially balanced. I'll judge you by the way you home in on these threads and then devote several hours to your cause.

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I'll place my bets based on the evidence of my eyes and not your attempts to try to appear racially balanced. I'll judge you by the way you home in on these threads and then devote several hours to your cause.


Haha..you believe there's some moral imperative homing in on the contributions of other posters when you haven't anything to say about the OP?


In order to believe the evidence in front of your eyes you really need to take the blindfold off and read what posters actually say, not what you want them to say.

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