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How much should a single person spend on a food a week?

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I salute anyone who can eat nutritiously on £15 per week. Please give details. I suspect it would be a diet defiicient in protein, but I would love to be proved wrong.


I think this would be possible. It's basically £2 a day - 50p for cereal and milk for breakfast, 50p for a sandwich for lunch and £1 for dinner.


If you cook from scratch and use your freezer (to take advantage of buying larger packs), take advantage of special offers/reductions and are not a fussy eater then it should be achievable.


It's something I'm glad I don't have to do, and you wouldn't get many "treats" - but I think it would be possible.

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I have to 'doff my cap' to many of you on this thread. When I was first married (1985) we struggled for money and had a budget of approx £80 per month (£20 per week) for supermarket/food shopping.

How people are still managing on that today is beyond me but I do appreciate that some have no choice. I spend on average £10 per working day just on teas and lunch.

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If you are so smart tell me how sides there are on a 50pence piece-no looking please.


What does that have to do with intelligence? That's memory.

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I left home at 16 (1986) and had £67 per fortnight to live on, lucky me.

I maximised my income by buying necessities from shop lifters at 25%/50% of the retail price.

Immoral maybe, but when did morality ever enter into big business ?


Shoplifters are an excellent source when it comes to cheap protein. Their wares that is, not their flesh. ;)


I left home at 18 (2000) and had £68 a week to live on. £35pw rent £15pw bus fare to work & the rest was split between food & £1 coins to drop into the electric meter. I spent more on food in the summer & more on electric (heater, or it was 5c in my room otherwise) in the winter. Bet managing like that today is impossible

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