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How much should a single person spend on a food a week?

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I used to spend about £150 per week for me and 2 kids - this was about 3 years ago.


Now, I wouldn't like to guess, cos there are 5 of us and I don't do all the shopping, nor is it done all in one go.


I would probably cry if I totted it all up cos I could probably buy more shoes if I budgeted properly


Whincing at the thought of £150 per week :(

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When I lived alone I used to spend around £25-30 per week on food. I used to bulk cook and I believe that was the key to keeping the costs down.


Good housekeeping tip there.

Also, add slow cook casseroles with cheap cuts of meat and plenty of vegetables which can last all week when frozen.

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My budget is 100 dollars per week for food and miscellaneous.


Make homemade soup once per week cooking all the cheapest veggies I can find.


Others days cook stir fry veg with rice.


Fruit and occasional choc bar


No soft drinks,alcohol,little if any processed food.


Honey tea. Drink Pureau filtered 10 litre water cost 10 dollars per week. Add a squeezed orange and lemon to it to make a 1.5 litre bottled drink daily.

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I think we (retired couple) spend around £80-90 a week on groceries. That includes alcohol, loo and kitchen rolls and washing/cleaning products. We eat lots of home made veg soup, lots of salads and fruit in the summer, and casseroles with veg in the winter. I have the time to shop around these days, and OH has the time to cook!

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Difficult to work out really, but I reckon the two of us spend somewhere around 40£ per person on food each week. That includes a rather expensive coffee habit and a regular trip to M&S for convenient meals that actually taste of something when we are both coming back from work knackered.


Don't ask about the booze-bill though, don't want to think about that :hihi:

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Really? That's around £21 per day for 3 x breakfasts, 3 x lunches, 3 x dinners plus snacks and drinks, it also includes all toiletries and cleaning stuff.


I reckon that is rather similar to what we spend for the two of us, so no, it isn't excessive. It all depends on what you can afford really.


When I was a student I could do two weeks on 10 euros! (I had to, the rest of the money went on partying :P)

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