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An NHS staff appreciation post.

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There are lots of posts about how bad the NHS is and I've even seen the staff in the media lately described as "lazy, unproductive, obstinate, militant and aggressive".


A few days ago my nan was involved in an accident at home and suffered some nasty broken bones. She was quite ill before this and unfortunately this evening died in the Northern General.


I just wanted to take the opportunity to say that all the staff on the Huntsman 4 ward were magnificent with us. They were clear, helpful, considerate but most of all they cared for my nan wonderfully. It really has made things a little bit easier to take in and helped us prepare ourselves over the last few days for what has happened today.


Thankyou from the bottom of my heart, they really do deserve a thread of positivity and appreciation and not the vitriol I've seen thrown at them alately.

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A couple of years ago my Rheumatology Dr was switched due to my old Dr retiring and she has made appointments more bareable. Also she gave me her email so if I had any issues I could get right in contact with her.


At one point she put me on a table and I had a bad reaction with it. I emailed her a photo of my arm and she emailed back with a reply telling me she's called my GP to tell them to give me another medication. All sorted same day

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I am sorry to hear about your nan.


Our NHS staff are wonderful. Despite all the cut backs and red tape, the system keeps working and it's mainly down to the wonderful people. They are under paid, under appreciated and under valued yet do their best to make the sick better, or at least more comfortable - so thank you for this thread.

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I'm grateful for the heart ops my OH has had which have kept him alive for nearly 20 years. We're fortunate in our GP surgery too, and I had a minor op at the beginning of the year, and all the NHS staff who treated me were professional and caring.


Plus, DD is a well trained, compassionate member of the nursing staff in Sheffield Hospitals Trust, and I know she makes sure all her patients get the best possible treatment.

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Three cheers for the NHS, I say. All the staff I've ever come into contact with, (with the exception of one very rude consultant opthamologist 20 years ago), have been bloody fantastic. I don't know how they keep going, with the garbage constantly heaped on them from on high.

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Well at the moment I am having to go to RHH every week to have a pint of blood removed and I must say that that the nursing staff that deal with me could not be nicer, it's just like meeting up with friends every week.

Thank you all the staff on ward P1 see you at 11-30.:):)

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