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Why do some women become porn ''actresses''?

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You reading one persons account does not represent the thousands of women and men who have been employed in the porn industry though does it :roll:
It wasn't only one persons account, other issues such as human trafficking all over the world, forcing girls into the industry were also mentioned. I've read reports about that in other articles too.

Many of these women are now speaking out, but in a industry mainly dominated and demanded by men, its difficult for them to get their voices heard.

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You make the incorrect assumption that anyone who thinks prostitution is a bad idea or that porn can be damaging has hangups about sex.


Mr Squirrel you are attempting to intimidate those who criticise the exploitation of women.You claim that such people must have hang-ups,without explaining why.I presume that you condone this exploitation and also you have no hang-ups about sex.


Absolutely not to both quotes.


I am asserting that many people who comment on porn in such a derogatory manner, basing their opinions on the porn industry and those who work within it, do so due to an array of largely incorrect 'stereotypical' misinformation.

Take the remark i quoted earlier, it is wrongfully assumed that the majority of women who work in porn, do so under duress and will inevitably end up as twisted delinquent drug addicts, unable to function within mainstream society when the reality is not the case.

This suggests to me that people who hold such views have hang ups regarding sex and sexuality because the basis for those misguided opinions is based purely on the aspect of sex. I doubt that people would hold those same opinions of women who worked in any other industry but because it is a 'sex' industry... its 'wrong'.


As for 'exploitation'... Why do you suggest that women in porn are being exploited? Female porn stars are paid significantly more than male performers, they have a much larger scope of work than male performers and it may interest you to know that many of the larger and more lucrative production companies within the industry, are owned and managed by females, often while performing themselves in their own productions. So who is exploiting them other than themselves?


As said, if you dont approve of porn - dont use it. Life is about informed choice and if a woman chooses to work in porn, whos business is it but theirs?

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I don't think anyone's saying there's anything wrong with sex.


So what is wrong with filming sex?


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 07:33 ----------


Mr Squirrel you are attempting to intimidate those who criticise the exploitation of women.


You're making the assumption that women in the porn industry are being exploited. And using that to criticise the industry, if not those women.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 07:35 ----------


It wasn't only one persons account, other issues such as human trafficking all over the world, forcing girls into the industry were also mentioned. I've read reports about that in other articles too.

Many of these women are now speaking out, but in a industry mainly dominated and demanded by men, its difficult for them to get their voices heard.


I think you're confusing prostitution with the porn industry.


The prostitution industry suffers many of these problems simply because it is illegal and thus impossible to regulate (the industry is illegal, not selling sex for money).

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So what is wrong with filming sex?


There isn't neccesarily anything wrong with filming sex.


You're making the assumption that women in the porn industry are being exploited. And using that to criticise the industry, if not those women.


I think many of them probably are.

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The OP questions the 'morality'of female porn stars, and others have compared the profession to escorts or prostitution. My take is this: Which is more of an immoral path? A female who has no idea at a young age that she will become a porn star, but life throws a series of events in her path and it simply ends up that way, or, a female who is brought up, in effect, groomed by her parent(/s) from an earlier age in terms of education, manners, social networks to become the 'wife' of a certain type of male, usually extremely rich(!). Does the former have less morals than the latter?


And, LeMaquis, your post was a breath of fresh air. The above can equally apply to males. :)

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Are we completely taboo-free today? Is there no moral stigma about being a porn actress? How would we feel about female relatives etc doing it? Are these women mentally/emotionally damaged, uneducated, trash or needing psychiatric help?

There obviously is a taboo, or it wouldn't be something we are considering. Female sexuality is always a minefield of complexities.


Some of the women will be happy in their work though. They're not all damaged or ignorant. It would be equally as empty for me to argue that all the women are happy, and that none of them are damaged or ignorant. Both generalisations would be incorrect.


Louis Theroux documents this industry well. The fine line between working out if a person is damaged by an industry, or if they came to an industry because they were damaged. There are real considerations to take from a life of performing sex, because it's quite a lonely path I feel. It's hard to return to "normal life".

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