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Why do people always look for negatives in peoples threads

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Regardless of who posts a question, whether it's somebody asking for advice or somebody genuinely having a moan about something legitimate, certain individuals always find fault or criticise the individual. Blaming the OP or attaching some form of blame to them. The OP can never be right in their eyes. Those criticising the post have most of the time not read the thread properly. Why do we have so many negative respondents posting on SF?

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Keyboard warrior syndrome.........symptoms include

Knowing everything about everything, nitpicking, correcting spelling mistakes, the constant need for 'proof', telling others all their shortcomings, telling a others what opinions they should have, belittling anyone who dare answer for themselves if it means their opinion doesn't agree with the warrior, some trolling on occasion and a few other symptoms I cba to type :0)

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Keyboard warrior syndrome.........symptoms include

Knowing everything about everything, nitpicking, correcting spelling mistakes, the constant need for 'proof', telling others all their shortcomings, telling a others what opinions they should have, belittling anyone who dare answer for themselves if it means their opinion doesn't agree with the warrior, some trolling on occasion and a few other symptoms I cba to type :0)


What an excellent response! I think your analogy of the "K.W.S" should be a new comeback slogan, for when we are faced with a proper Know-All, and have really have run out of things to argue back about.

Im a relatively newbie to the forum, yet im already at the end of my tether, reading some of the most insulting posts made by these "K.W.S,ers" and I absolutely love it when a plonker is brought down to earth with a bang by the more learned and well-mannered of us on here, hee hee! Right, back to normalness after my little bit of wickedness!:hihi::hihi:

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What an excellent response! I think your analogy of the "K.W.S" should be a new comeback slogan, for when we are faced with a proper Know-All, and have really have run out of things to argue back about.

Im a relatively newbie to the forum, yet im already at the end of my tether, reading some of the most insulting posts made by these "K.W.S,ers" and I absolutely love it when a plonker is brought down to earth with a bang by the more learned and well-mannered of us on here, hee hee! Right, back to normalness after my little bit of wickedness!:hihi::hihi:

Thank you for that Aubrey, it seems even if someone posts about something they have first hand knowledge and experience of someone always comes along to tell them they are wrong and then the insults start because rather than be able to intelligently argue a point they are all **** and wind so resort to insults instead..... Often to the point of bullying

And all this from so called adults, so yes I stand by my keyboard warrior syndrome explanation lol

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Keyboard warrior syndrome.........symptoms include

Knowing everything about everything, nitpicking, correcting spelling mistakes, the constant need for 'proof', telling others all their shortcomings, telling a others what opinions they should have, belittling anyone who dare answer for themselves if it means their opinion doesn't agree with the warrior, some trolling on occasion and a few other symptoms I cba to type :0)


He he, love it!! What a fabulous response. There are definitely those that need to get a life of their own as it might stop them being such smarty pants about everyone else's!

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the constant need for 'proof'


Couldn't agree more with this one, it's so irritating when I want to come on here and make a crass generalisation, start a completely unfounded rumour or make wild claims about crime levels, immigration levels, or how much more common sense I have than the police, council planning department and everybody else in Sheffield put together, and these know it alls keep asking me for so-called 'proof' or 'evidence' or at least 'could I expand a little on that'. WLEL NO IM sorry but NO. If my friends cousins freinds sisters teachers boyfriends sisters gynaecologists says they heard from neighbour that a somalien was stealing in Tesco than thats all the proof I need.






p.s. You forgot sarcasm from your list of KWS symptoms.

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