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Why do people always look for negatives in peoples threads

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What's good for the goose.... anyone who wants to act in a certain way can't complain when they get treated the same, they / he can't really complain..


Have you ever listened to just a minute on Radio 4.The rules clearly proscribe repetition and hesitation,and I am claiming three bonus points-the third being for the use of cliche.

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You agree that it does make you a hypocrite though.


What about you? In a thread about trolls, well, you're trolling... :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 09:33 ----------


Have you ever listened to just a minute on Radio 4.The rules clearly proscribe repetition and hesitation,and I am claiming three bonus points-the third being for the use of cliche.


What on earth for? :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 09:34 ----------


I don't think I've seen as much invective and vitriol on a thread, ever, condemning negatives by being negative seems a bitter irony!

Its ironic that you're being negative...:hihi:

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I don't see people who disagree with me as being "left wing self loathers", as stated above. I am right wing in most aspects of my thinking, I can still have a sensible discourse with others who disagree with me and who have a left wing standpoint.


I go further, I have learnt and altered my own opinions having read what others have written. This surely is the purpose of a forum.


My main concern as regards Sheffield Forum at this time is moderation, I confess that from time to time I have taken the bait and replied immoderately, consequently earning a ban. Recently I have received a ban and despite asking for details of my offence no explanation has been forthcoming. I also note that mods seem to be over reacting somewhat, closing threads, for what appears to me no good reason.


I fully appreciate the mods work in stopping abusive, stupid people ruining the forum but I would ask for a little more discretion.

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What about you? In a thread about trolls, well, you're trolling... :hihi:

No I'm not. I simply disagreed with some of the points that were made.

It's not a thread about trolling, if you read the OP it seems to be a thread about people disagreeing, which is surely the basis of debate.

Its ironic that you're being negative...:hihi:


You define negative as not agreeing with you.

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... or a classic use of the old 'double negative' gambit? :D


Hmm, I don't think it's not that ;)


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 10:35 ----------


Have you ever listened to just a minute on Radio 4.


I suspect mikeye's more your Hallam FM type, media in primary colours :hihi:

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To refer back to my first post in this thread, I pointed out the hypocrisy of this


I absolutely love it when a plonker is brought down to earth with a bang by the more learned


And asked this question


You don't like people asking for proof though What sort of debate can be had when you appear to dislike a request for evidence?


For which I was then accused of being a KW, as apparently not agreeing with a group of posters who are contributing here, immediately means you are someone just trying to score points (irony notwithstanding).

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The pseudo intellectuals swoop and squark like a flock of Crows who want to pick at the bones of a victim who dared to have an opinion.
A creative use of language there mikeye, are you sure you're not one of them 'pseudo-intellectuals', or are you going to continue with the inferiority complex?


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 10:46 ----------


For which I was then accused of being a KW, as apparently not agreeing with a group of posters who are contributing here, immediately means you are someone just trying to score points (irony notwithstanding).


Ahh, but you're not aligning yourself to the hitherto silent voices of the 'majority', they're reluctant to stick their heads above the parapet, instead watching from a distance and gnashing their teeth at the contributions they despise but feel unable to challenge because they feel they lack the wit to do so (but wouldn't admit it).


This thread's given them the opportunity to stand up and be counted, they sing as one now..so you have to agree-join them, the Emperor is naked!

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