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Why do people always look for negatives in peoples threads

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Whilst I agree with much of what you say, I think in the case you highlight the defense barrister may well have been right mentioning the spelling mistakes in a written report, after all he was protecting the interests of his client and as we all know a misplaced comma, apostrophe or misuse of a word can give a sentence completely different meanings or affect its clarity.


"This book is dedicated to my parents, Ayn Rand and God"


A probably apocryphal book dedication, this example has been a favorite of pro-Oxford comma language blogs for a while. Without the comma before "and," you get a rather intriguing set of parents.


The point I was making is that the Barrister was seeking to demean and belittle the man. The content of the report was not in dispute. I do accept that bad writing can lead to misunderstanding, sometimes with serious consequences.


I would still like to see people contribute and maybe improve, than be wary of posting due to the likely sarcasm and clever dickness (I know there is no such word) of some on here. (Not you by the way).

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