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Why do people always look for negatives in peoples threads

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Three and a half out of ten. Poor.


You might like to look up what 'aversion' means. It's a good idea to know what a word means before using it in a sentence.


Someone or something that arouses such feelings, or so I was led to believe. So if believing that we are all equal arouses these feelings, is it wrong to use the word "Aversion" to express it? After all, that's what it refers to!


Is this your final rehearsal before you enter the "I Intend To Make Myself Look Silly" competition, this Saturday at Sillyville Town Hall, Dumplington?;)


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 22:08 ----------




Not really, are you doing it as a double act?:rolleyes:

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Someone or something that arouses such feelings, or so I was led to believe. So if believing that we are all equal arouses these feelings, is it wrong to use the word "Aversion" to express it? After all, that's what it refers to!


Is this your final rehearsal before you enter the "I Intend To Make Myself Look Silly" competition, this Saturday at Sillyville Town Hall, Dumplington?;)


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 22:08 ----------



Not really, are you doing it as a double act?:rolleyes:


Halibut has withdrawn now he knows you are the red hot favourite!

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Regardless of how much the cheerleaders are fawning now the keyboard warriors have arrived, Bassy was still bang on the money with her definition of a -sheffield- forum troll.


It was predicted they'd come and so they did. With an overly long point to make that had absolutely no substance to it and simply stated 'you are wrong'.

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I've just come in from a hard days gardening, and have taken time to read through your jottings carefully. Apologies for my "Stuggle" erratum. as i,m usually a bit sharper, but alas my geriatrician did warn me the cells may start to dissipate as the weeks pass! Im sorry you feel a little miffed by my definitions, but sometimes we all say things that we feel, and it may not be to others taste, but that's how life goes. One thing I do have an aversion to is that we are all born equal, and therefor should treat each other as thus. If one of us is less informed than another, surely there are better ways to converse other than the "Keyboard Warrior" style, as being discussed? A little common decency and thought for others goes a long, long way.

As for not being my son......yes you are.

I'm still not. It's patronising.

If we were to meet in the street, and you needed my help, I would give it. Strangers often turn out to be the nicest people we ever meet.

You sound a decent chap, and other posters hold you in high regard so please don't mar this image by being stand-offish when a few little home truths are pushed your way.

Kind Regards, Aubrey.

I don't think I saw any 'truths' in your post

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Someone or something that arouses such feelings, or so I was led to believe. So if believing that we are all equal arouses these feelings, is it wrong to use the word "Aversion" to express it? After all, that's what it refers to!



Yes, still spectacularly incorrect.


The offending sentence was ''One thing I do have an aversion to is that we are all born equal, and therefor should treat each other as thus.''


The meaning of aversion is '' a strong dislike or disinclination''. Therefore your sentence actually means -


''I have a strong dislike of the idea that we are all born equal and should treat each other as thus''.


I think you've inadvertently told us what you really think. Total fail on your part. You used 'thus' incorrectly too, but I left it in.

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Regardless of how much the cheerleaders are fawning now the keyboard warriors have arrived, Bassy was still bang on the money with her definition of a -sheffield- forum troll.


It was predicted they'd come and so they did. With an overly long point to make that had absolutely no substance to it and simply stated 'you are wrong'.

The pseudo intellectuals swoop and squark like a flock of Crows who want to pick at the bones of a victim who dared to have an opinion.


They try to portray fairness, compassion and a desire to support the numerous victims they imagine.


Underneath it all they're full of self loathing and hate, it is so obvious.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 07:49 ----------


Yes, still spectacularly incorrect.


The offending sentence was ''One thing I do have an aversion to is that we are all born equal, and therefor should treat each other as thus.''


The meaning of aversion is '' a strong dislike or disinclination''. Therefore your sentence actually means -


''I have a strong dislike of the idea that we are all born equal and should treat each other as thus''.


I think you've inadvertently told us what you really think. Total fail on your part. You used 'thus' incorrectly too, but I left it in.


This is another trait of the Troll. Trying to wind others up by picking at grammar when their arguments flounder. I find it amusing when an intellectual lightweight picks at another for this. It shows a nasty streak.

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This is another trait of the Troll. Trying to wind others up by picking at grammar when their arguments flounder. I find it amusing when an intellectual lightweight picks at another for this. It shows a nasty streak.


You appear to be confused about what grammar is, perhaps you should look it up.


I was highlighting a wrong word choice, which means that the sentence he was attempting to construct means the opposite of what was intended.


Given that the poster in question was clearly trying to show off and failed spectacularly, it's clearly appropriate to point this out.

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