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Are we surrounded by sub space?

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What about the idea that before the big bang there was something, let's call it sub space, everywhere. The big bang then put into this space enerergy which condensed into matter which formed galaxies. So C, the speed of light, is 3x10exp8 metres/sec in space but maybe not in sub space. There is a famous experiment in physice called Aspect's experiment, in which, to keep it simple, a property shared by two photons and which, if one photon is disturbed, is transferred from one photon to the other in zero time regardless of the distance between them. Since information can only travel at a max of C, what if it travels in sub space? Do we like this idea?

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What about the idea that before the big bang there was something, let's call it sub space, everywhere. The big bang then put into this space enerergy which condensed into matter which formed galaxies. So C, the speed of light, is 3x10exp8 metres/sec in space but maybe not in sub space. There is a famous experiment in physice called Aspect's experiment, in which, to keep it simple, a property shared by two photons and which, if one photon is disturbed, is transferred from one photon to the other in zero time regardless of the distance between them. Since information can only travel at a max of C, what if it travels in sub space? Do we like this idea?


Where did this energy come from then? Why can we not see this subspace? You are aware of what the Bell test is meant to demonstrate yes?

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Why can we not see this subspace?


See? With our eyes?


Well, why can't we see into the infra red or ultra violet spectrum?


If you mean by scientific instruments, well, why couldn't people "see" the Higgs-Boson particle in the 17th century? I mean, it was there. Were they blind or something?


Science knows it doesn't know everything; otherwise, it'd stop

Dara Ó Briain


Just give science time old fruit, give it time.

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What about the idea that before the big bang there was something, let's call it sub space, everywhere. The big bang then put into this space enerergy which condensed into matter which formed galaxies. So C, the speed of light, is 3x10exp8 metres/sec in space but maybe not in sub space. There is a famous experiment in physice called Aspect's experiment, in which, to keep it simple, a property shared by two photons and which, if one photon is disturbed, is transferred from one photon to the other in zero time regardless of the distance between them. Since information can only travel at a max of C, what if it travels in sub space? Do we like this idea?


I think you will find that the answer is 42.

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What about the idea that before the big bang there was something, let's call it sub space, everywhere. The big bang then put into this space enerergy which condensed into matter which formed galaxies. So C, the speed of light, is 3x10exp8 metres/sec in space but maybe not in sub space. There is a famous experiment in physice called Aspect's experiment, in which, to keep it simple, a property shared by two photons and which, if one photon is disturbed, is transferred from one photon to the other in zero time regardless of the distance between them. Since information can only travel at a max of C, what if it travels in sub space? Do we like this idea?


Or the universe and normal space existed before the big bang which was just an event in that universe.

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Or the universe and normal space existed before the big bang which was just an event in that universe.


However it doesn't give any idea as to how the entangled pair both change their spin at the same time.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 13:59 ----------


Where did this energy come from then? Why can we not see this subspace? You are aware of what the Bell test is meant to demonstrate yes?


Maybe sub space has a vast amount of energy within itself which is prevented from spewing out under normal circumstances. When an instability occurred the energy exploded out of a tiny piece of sub space, hence an expanding energy ball. Maybe the instability was caused by black hole in a previous universe, which became so powerful that it exceeded its enegy density limitation and broke through into our sub space. I think I know about Bell's inequality test but please tell us all.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 14:05 ----------


I think you will find that the answer is 42.


It can't be 42 because it factorises.

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