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What you gonna do with the money?

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Ok so if.......just if you do actually win a lottery jackpot (assuming you play it) what would you do with your new found wealth?


Big houses? Big cars? Round the world trips? Donate to charities?


My list is already written and waiting, now just need the numbers to come up!

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I'd stay in Yorkshire, probably move to the peak district but holiday a lot.

Oh I'd also have an Overfinch Range rover.


Beautiful there from the little iv seen since I came north, think I'd love a little small holding, little bit of land for a few animals, good views across sprawling fields, somewhere I love to come home to every night

My family and good friends would want for nothing either, if you can't share it there's no point enjoying the money on your own I think, just having the opportunities to do the things you never thought possible and not having to worry about the costs, think I'd also buy equipment for various hospital units rather than donating the money so I know half of it wouldn't go on 'admin' and they would actually get what they need

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