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Asylum Seekers-Tell it like it is

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I came across this page on the Refugee Council website debunking some of the myths about asylum seekers.


Asylum seekers receive less benefits than UK pensioners.


It's not easy to get asylum in the UK, over 70% of applications are refused.


Africa & Asia between them host 3/4 of the world's refugees, Europe takes in 15%.


UKBA has the power to detain a refugee indefinitely even if they've not been convicted of any crime.


Almost all refugees in UK are banned from working and live on as little as £5/day.


The law doesn't say they have to seek asylum in the first country they reach-they tend to go to countries where they can speak the language or have family already.


UK is home to 2% of the world's refugees.


Many asylum seekers are not entitled to any form of financial support.


Asylum seekers can't jump the housing queue or choose what area they live in.




Personally I'm proud that a tiny portion of my tax is used to provide sanctuary to genuine refugees but appreciate this is a controversial subject, it would be great if we can have a sensible/rational discussion about it for once :)

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I came across this page on the Refugee Council website debunking some of the myths about asylum seekers.


Asylum seekers receive less benefits than UK pensioners.


It's not easy to get asylum in the UK, over 70% of applications are refused.


Africa & Asia between them host 3/4 of the world's refugees, Europe takes in 15%.


UKBA has the power to detain a refugee indefinitely even if they've not been convicted of any crime.


Almost all refugees in UK are banned from working and live on as little as £5/day.


The law doesn't say they have to seek asylum in the first country they reach-they tend to go to countries where they can speak the language or have family already.


UK is home to 2% of the world's refugees.


Many asylum seekers are not entitled to any form of financial support.


Asylum seekers can't jump the housing queue or choose what area they live in.




Personally I'm proud that a tiny portion of my tax is used to provide sanctuary to genuine refugees but appreciate this is a controversial subject, it would be great if we can have a sensible/rational discussion about it for once :)



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The problem is that people don't believe half of what organisations like the Refugee Council come up with because they are as guilty as the politicians when it comes to twisting stats. For example...


Asylum seeks receive less benefits than pensioners - I should hope so seeing as a sixth of the population are pensions.


70% of asylum applications may be refused but how many are deported?


Some may live on as little as £5 per day but that will not be the total cost to the tax payer will it?


Asia and Africa may take 3/4 of the worlds asylum seekers but what percentage come from there?


For years asylum seekers did jump the housing queues - it is only recently that council have started to address concerns by awarding 'points' to people with ties to an area.


The UK is home to 2% of the worlds refugees - is that just the ones officially processed because it is estimated that there is knocking on for 1million illegal immigrants too.


I have to say that I struggle with the issue of asylum. We should offer it but I think we need to be more selective about who we let in and that there should be some sort of probation period during which time we can revoke a right to stay. The problem that I have is that too many want to retain their cultural identities, beliefs and practices... which I see contributing factors to the problems in the countries they are fleeing. I don't want asylum seekers (or immigrants in general) bringing there problems with them and dragging us backwards.

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But you must realise the majority will only try and claim asylum if they get caught entering the UK or get stopped at a later date. Most without valid leave will try and go underground.


I dont disagree Mecky, but that's an issue for home security and proper enforcement, noones suggesting they should be allowed to enter the country illegally.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 12:27 ----------


I have to say that I struggle with the issue of asylum. We should offer it but I think we need to be more selective about who we let in and that there should be some sort of probation period during which time we can revoke a right to stay.
I think we already have one given how long it takes applications to be processed and their legal status whilst that's happening.

The problem that I have is that too many want to retain their cultural identities, beliefs and practices... which I see contributing factors to the problems in the countries they are fleeing.

Is that something exclusive to asylum seekers?

I don't want asylum seekers (or immigrants in general) bringing there problems with them and dragging us backwards.

Nor do I.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 12:27 ----------


I smell Asylum and Immigration lawyers looking after their own interests at every opportunity :D


Have you had a bad experience with an immigration lawyer Michael? :hihi:

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i went to an asylum seekers house once with a friend, and it was so hot it there on a sunny day i asked did you have your heating on,he replied yes i will open a window,i said turn the heating off,he repied its free for us 24 hours a day so we leave it on,there table was full of food more than i had ever seen,money was no problem for them,free bus passes etc, so who is kidding who.

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i went to an asylum seekers house once with a friend, and it was so hot it there on a sunny day i asked did you have your heating on,he replied yes i will open a window,i said turn the heating off,he repied its free for us 24 hours a day so we leave it on,there table was full of food more than i had ever seen,money was no problem for them,free bus passes etc, so who is kidding who.


Benefit claimants from Barnsley moving to Sheffield aren't classed as refugees ;)

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A friend of mine who works with people seeking sancturay in this country says that they present some truly horrific stories of trauma and abuse. Unsurprisingly their mental health is badly affected.

So when people talk about asylum seekers having a laugh, it's worth thinking about countries like Afghanistan and Sudan which have been on the news, and what the people of those countries have been through.

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