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Asylum Seekers-Tell it like it is

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Okay you don't have to find one, but what's your opinion on the matter?


My opinion? I don't know, I've no idea whether Muslims would want more Muslim immigration into the UK, I can't imagine why their opinions would be any different than the rest of us.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 20:33 ----------


What makes you think they don't?..


The Hadith:


The Prophet peace be upon him says: (The Islam will spread in all places that have day and night).


Well we're in trouble then, Christians want the same thing


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19


Better go get your spare room ready mikeye..few million God fearing Africans heading your way.

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My opinion? I don't know, I've no idea whether Muslims would want more Muslim immigration into the UK, I can't imagine why their opinions would be any different than the rest of us.


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 20:33 ----------



Well we're in trouble then, Christians want the same thing


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19


Better go get your spare room ready mikeye..few million God fearing Africans heading your way.


Yes but this is a Christian country so Christians aren't really the same...


---------- Post added 14-10-2013 at 20:43 ----------


My opinion? I don't know, I've no idea




There you have it, ask a question that someone is afraid to answer and their opinions disappear... Just like that...

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I came across this page on the Refugee Council website debunking some of the myths about asylum seekers.


Asylum seekers receive less benefits than UK pensioners.


Most people do, only land and property owners get more benefits on a per person basis.


It's not easy to get asylum in the UK, over 70% of applications are refused.


We seldom kick out people refused.


Africa & Asia between them host 3/4 of the world's refugees, Europe takes in 15%.


Europe has under 10% of the world's population.


UKBA has the power to detain a refugee indefinitely even if they've not been convicted of any crime.
What is wrong with that?


Almost all refugees in UK are banned from working and live on as little as £5/day.
Not forced to work then are they, like our unemployed people who can be forced to work and to live on less than £5 a day.


The law doesn't say they have to seek asylum in the first country they reach-they tend to go to countries where they can speak the language or have family already.

Fair do's, but perhaps they should.


UK is home to 2% of the world's refugees.
Considerably more than it's fair share.


Many asylum seekers are not entitled to any form of financial support.
Many do get support whilst our own citizens can be denied it.


Asylum seekers can't jump the housing queue or choose what area they live in.




They do jump the housing queue. Some on here used to spout the nonsense that they didn't get council properties, because our council let properties to UKBA, who then let them to asylum seekers. Upon the granting of asylum, their tenancies were changed over, so they had a council house tenancy.


Personally I'm proud that a tiny portion of my tax is used to provide sanctuary to genuine refugees but appreciate this is a controversial subject, it would be great if we can have a sensible/rational discussion about it for once :)


Aye, I broadly agree.


It's a shame we don't look after our own though, they should be tret better than asylum seekers. We should look after asylum seekers too, but not whilst our own citizens are facing hardship.

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I came across this page on the Refugee Council website debunking some of the myths about asylum seekers.


Asylum seekers receive less benefits than UK pensioners.


It's not easy to get asylum in the UK, over 70% of applications are refused.


Africa & Asia between them host 3/4 of the world's refugees, Europe takes in 15%.


UKBA has the power to detain a refugee indefinitely even if they've not been convicted of any crime.


Almost all refugees in UK are banned from working and live on as little as £5/day.


The law doesn't say they have to seek asylum in the first country they reach-they tend to go to countries where they can speak the language or have family already.


UK is home to 2% of the world's refugees.


Many asylum seekers are not entitled to any form of financial support.


Asylum seekers can't jump the housing queue or choose what area they live in.




Personally I'm proud that a tiny portion of my tax is used to provide sanctuary to genuine refugees but appreciate this is a controversial subject, it would be great if we can have a sensible/rational discussion about it for once :)



This is as much a trolling post as those you slate for posting typical opposing info and opinions on asylum seekers.

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The last time I was on an aeroplane it wasn't possible to ding the bell and ask the pilot to stop at the next safe country.

No but it was possible to get a shorter flight to closer country.


The size of the country isn't the issue, it's the capability and willingness of countries to take refugees otherwise the Australians wouldnt have much to moan about.

Of cause its an issue, there's no point people moving from countries that are not over populated to countries that are over populated.

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This is as much a trolling post as those you slate for posting typical opposing info and opinions on asylum seekers.


No it isn't. It's seeking to challenge many of the myths peddled by those wanting to tell lies about people who seek asylum.

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No it isn't. It's seeking to challenge many of the myths peddled by those wanting to tell lies about people who seek asylum.


There is a point though. Its a bit of a liberty to call someone a troll who starts a thread about the disadvantages of multi-cultural Britain, but then start a thread glorifying it...

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