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George and Boris in China

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Not Thatcher who shut down the UK in the first place then?


I never realized that Supergirl had a part time job running the UK from 1979-1990.


The commute from Argo city must have been a drag.


Seriously, the powers ascribed by you to Thatcher are quite spooky. One almost expects to hear The Omen music when she appears.


It's really quite amazing how one woman managed to do all that you claim.


Because you see, UK industry was doing so well up until 1979 wasn't it?

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Not Thatcher who shut down the UK in the first place then?


That's odd because it was Thatcher that attracted foreign investment by the likes of Honda, Toyota Nissan and Toshiba. Sadly Blair & Brown chased off established foreign investors like Ford.

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You can hardly blame Boris and George for that. That's down to Ken & Gordon.


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 12:48 ----------





I blame politicians. Full stop.


What do we pay them for?


Anyone could have seen 10 years ago which way things were going, but as usual, they are painfully slow to react. In case they hadn't noticed, the world moves much faster now. Look at the speed with which China is developing. It's a race we're losing... We are so hidebound in doing things the way they've always been done - Tradition, old boy, -that we constantly miss the boat.


Let's update and streamline the whitehall civil servants and the public schoolboys who think they've inherited the earth, and get moving.


30 years to build HS2? -Typical.

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You can hardly blame Boris and George for that. That's down to Ken & Gordon.


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 12:48 ----------





I blame politicians. Full stop.


What do we pay them for?


Anyone could have seen 10 years ago which way things were going, but as usual, they are painfully slow to react. In case they hadn't noticed, the world moves much faster now. Look at the speed with which China is developing. It's a race we're losing... We are so hidebound in doing things the way they've always been done - Tradition, old boy, -that we constantly miss the boat.


Let's update and streamline the whitehall civil servants and the public schoolboys who think they've inherited the earth, and get moving.


30 years to build HS2? -Typical.


Whoa whoa hold on a minute there Anna. There's loads of Chinese money sloshing around these shores. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24473933

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South Yorkshire still lives in an era of burning Maggie Thatcher effigies


Someone like Thatcher is essential for some of the miserable failures on here.


Why blame yourself? Your decisions, your (lack of) commitment or get up and go.


Did badly at school? It wasn't because you didn't work hard in class or bunked off with your mates. No it was "Fatcher's" fault.


And we know that nobody ever passed an exam, set up a business or got on in life during 1979-90.


Well, maybe some did but if you weren't one of them, well the blame is obvious. "Fatcher".


To paraphrase Shakespeare:


"The fault, dear Mecky, is not in our stars,

But in that bleedin' Thacher."


In the original the fault was in ourselves but good grief, how could that EVER be true? :rolleyes:


It's nearly 25 years since "Fatcher" had any influence on the nation.


During that same period of time, Germany went from being bombed flat, millions homeless, split in two and bankrupt --- to being a world economic power.


Are you seriously suggesting Mecky that "Fatcher" had a more long lasting effect than all of that?

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That's odd because it was Thatcher that attracted foreign investment by the likes of Honda, Toyota Nissan and Toshiba. Sadly Blair & Brown chased off established foreign investors like Ford.


Taking money out of the Uk


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 18:12 ----------


Do you have a reply to post #14 Mecky?


Addressed in post 13


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 18:14 ----------


Someone like Thatcher is essential for some of the miserable failures on here.


Why blame yourself? Your decisions, your (lack of) commitment or get up and go.


Did badly at school? It wasn't because you didn't work hard in class or bunked off with your mates. No it was "Fatcher's" fault.


And we know that nobody ever passed an exam, set up a business or got on in life during 1979-90.


Well, maybe some did but if you weren't one of them, well the blame is obvious. "Fatcher".


To paraphrase Shakespeare:


"The fault, dear Mecky, is not in our stars,

But in that bleedin' Thacher."


In the original the fault was in ourselves but good grief, how could that EVER be true? :rolleyes:


It's nearly 25 years since "Fatcher" had any influence on the nation.


During that same period of time, Germany went from being bombed flat, millions homeless, split in two and bankrupt --- to being a world economic power.


Are you seriously suggesting Mecky that "Fatcher" had a more long lasting effect than all of that?


Seriously, Thatcherite and Reaganite policies are the reason why the west is in such a bad state today as addressed many times before. Pity you won't accept it.

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