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No go areas for buses due to vandalism!!

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As a little boy in the fifties and early 60s I and most of my friends had little money and parents had little either post World War 2 but we got up to little tricks like knocking doors and running away etc but as for smashing bus windows and robbing old folk etc that wouldn't have even have entered our minds because if we had have done that half the local Police force would have been out looking for us and when the perpetrators had been caught the results would have been an institution known as Borstal and that most who went were not keen to go back for a second dose.

I'm sorry but I just don't go along with the excuses trotted out standing up for these morons.


Yes absolutly and we allowed smacking of kids which the NSPCC is trying to ban. Why did we ever scrap borstals (ECHR perhaps?)?

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If you want to solve problems by kicking and beating people until they give up you will build tension and an atmosphere of war.


No surprise there are people of young age living in this society that are so frustrated angry and upset they are going crazy and start all sorts of sick criminal behaving.


I am not in favour of this! Give them a fun job and something better and more respectable to look forward to and they will not even consider throwing stones at buses.


My friends and family visiting UK all say they observe that England has a class system treating their lower classes like unwanted dirty animals.

Smacking, beating, punishing, teaching them a lesson, who do you think you are, god?

How about helping people with a better life and equal respect, they will never ever do it again.

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If you want to solve problems by kicking and beating people until they give up you will build tension and an atmosphere of war.


No surprise there are people of young age living in this society that are so frustrated angry and upset they are going crazy and start all sorts of sick criminal behaving.


I am not in favour of this! Give them a fun job and something better and more respectable to look forward to and they will not even consider throwing stones at buses.


My friends and family visiting UK all say they observe that England has a class system treating their lower classes like unwanted dirty animals.

Smacking, beating, punishing, teaching them a lesson, who do you think you are, god?

How about helping people with a better life and equal respect, they will never ever do it again.


The mistake your making is that children are brought up as well as where you are from. For the most part they are but with these feral youths they are not. They lack discipline and will probably not do the good jobs you are recommending.


We unfortunately have a chav class in this country you only need to watch Jeremy Kyle for any length of time to see this first hand. We never had this when we had borstals and proper punishment in schools but we now do. Its not a new issue brought on by the recession even during the boom period we had this issue its just we are now noticing it more.

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