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Minister tells immigrant to go home.

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Not sure I follow your logic there.


Its that easy to follow even a child could follow it, the majority of people don't contribute enough, making them a net drain on the government coffer, they take out more than they put in.




Which school taught you that strand of macro economics?



Again its very easy to follow, the top 10% of tax payers pay for the services that everyone else uses, they fund the NHS, Schools, benefits system, armed forces, everyone else uses more than they pay for. Every immigrant coming into the country will use these service but will be unlikely to pay enough towards them. Unemployed people are a bigger drain on government coffers than employed people, so every time an immigrant is employed over someone already here, but unemployed, the drain on government finances increases.

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Its that easy to follow even a child could follow it, the majority of people don't contribute enough, making them a net drain on the government coffer, they take out more than they put in.





Again its very easy to follow, the top 10% of tax payers pay for the services that everyone else uses, they fund the NHS, Schools, benefits system, armed forces, everyone else uses more than they pay for. Every immigrant coming into the country will use these service but will be unlikely to pay enough towards them. Unemployed people are a bigger drain on government coffers than employed people, so every time an immigrant is employed over someone already here, but unemployed, the drain on government finances increases.


Grossly simplistic and with utter disregard to the facts. Immigrants put more money into the economy than they take out.


From the Independent - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/06/uk-benefits-eu-migrants-what-crisis -''All the evidence suggests that migrants – especially migrants from the new EU member states – are net contributors to the public purse, not a drain. The most comprehensive study on this topic found that the latter paid in via taxes about 30% more than they cost our public services. In particular, they were far less likely to claim benefits and tax credits, and far less likely to live in social housing.''


You can read the full study referred to here - http://www.cream-migration.org/publ_uploads/CDP_18_09.pdf - but you'll probably choose to ignore it.

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The minister knows full well he is powerless to do anything about this issue,his goverment wont quit the EU so he has no chance of getting immigration anywhere near the under 100,000 per year they promised.

None of the main parties have the will power and the conviction to do anything to stop this country being flooded year after year,you want to stop it you have to vote UKIP or BNP anything else is a vote for more of the same.

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Grossly simplistic and with utter disregard to the facts. Immigrants put more money into the economy than they take out.



No they don't unless they happen to be in the top 10% of earners, and as many come here and work for minimum wage they definitely cost more than they contribute.

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No they don't unless they happen to be in the top 10% of earners, and as many come here and work for minimum wage they definitely cost more than they contribute.



And of course its not just about GDP its about our country losing its identity and culture,money is not the be all and end all.

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The minister knows full well he is powerless to do anything about this issue,his goverment wont quit the EU so he has no chance of getting immigration anywhere near the under 100,000 per year they promised.

None of the main parties have the will power and the conviction to do anything to stop this country being flooded year after year,you want to stop it you have to vote UKIP or BNP anything else is a vote for more of the same.


What's your reaction to my post above about migrants from A8 countries -

Czech Republic








which provides evidence to suggest that put more money into Britain than they pay out and were far less likely to claim benefits and tax credits, and far less likely to live in social housing?


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 22:44 ----------


No they don't unless they happen to be in the top 10% of earners, and as many come here and work for minimum wage they definitely cost more than they contribute.


What's your evidence for that assertion? Did a bloke down the pub tell you?

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What's your evidence for that assertion? Did a bloke down the pub tell you?


Nope and its clearly beyond your capacity to understand.


Immigation drains Britain, says Left think tank.


Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are a drain on Britain and its economy, not a benefit, says a Left-leaning think tank.




It found that fewer than half of Britain's 650,000 Somalis, Bangladeshis, Turks and Pakistanis, have jobs and the four communities have the highest levels of benefit dependency.


Britain's fastest-growing migrant group, the Poles, score above-average for employment, but have the lowest hourly pay and make a below-average tax contribution.



Record levels of immigration have had "little or no impact" on the economic well-being of Britons, an influential House of Lords committee has said.


It says competition from immigrants has had a negative impact on the low paid and training for young UK workers, and has contributed to high house prices.


So little or no economic benefits but an adverse effect on Britons lowest paid workers and young people.

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Grossly simplistic and with utter disregard to the facts. Immigrants put more money into the economy than they take out.


From the Independent - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/06/uk-benefits-eu-migrants-what-crisis -''All the evidence suggests that migrants – especially migrants from the new EU member states – are net contributors to the public purse, not a drain. The most comprehensive study on this topic found that the latter paid in via taxes about 30% more than they cost our public services. In particular, they were far less likely to claim benefits and tax credits, and far less likely to live in social housing.''


You can read the full study referred to here - http://www.cream-migration.org/publ_uploads/CDP_18_09.pdf - but you'll probably choose to ignore it.


I think it is you who selects the "facts" that support your fantasies. A recent study shows that 15,000 bogus weddings occur per year to get around immigration rules..


The data you provided doesn't include extra costs like the billions to counter home grown terrorists... the damage cause by terrorists, 7/7 was pretty expensive. Then there's the increase in crime these groups cause. The grooming gangs investigation cost millions...


Your figures only account for basic public services but don't go deep enough...


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 22:58 ----------


What's your reaction to my post above about migrants from A8 countries -

Czech Republic








which provides evidence to suggest that put more money into Britain than they pay out and were far less likely to claim benefits and tax credits, and far less likely to live in social housing?


Some of them no doubt do but you ignore Roma Gypsies from these countries. Go to Page Hall and see the chaos they are causing at great expense.

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What's your reaction to my post above about migrants from A8 countries -

Czech Republic








which provides evidence to suggest that put more money into Britain than they pay out and were far less likely to claim benefits and tax credits, and far less likely to live in social housing?


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 22:44 ----------



What's your evidence for that assertion? Did a bloke down the pub tell you?


does that include or exclude the roma population of eastern europe...they certainly do not contribute..too busy hanging around on street corners...and the lads at car wash don't care for them either...wait til their cousins from romania and bulgaria turn up in places like eastwood and page hall...happy days

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